The Charles Lindbergh Kidnapping Case. The Charles Lindbergh Kidnapping Case. By: Rachel Heinl, Violet By: Rachel Heinl, Violet Bowman, Raven Womack.
Facts Charles A. Lindbergh Jr. was born of June 22 nd He was kidnapped when he was 20months old, on March 1 st, 1932 around 9:00pm. He was kidnapped at his home in Hopewell, New Jersey.
Other Facts There were nine ransom notes demanding money sent from the kidnapper. Bruno was charged guilty and killed in the electric chair. When the baby was found by accident, On May 12 th 1932, The body was partly buried and badly discomposed. One leg and both hands were missing and his organs were eaten by animals. His head was crushed and he died by a blow of the head.
Theory One People believe that The baby was not killed but only kidnapped and raised in another family, Under a new identity. Theyre were books and websites made about this theory.
Theory two. People also think in an even crazier theory that Lindberghs older sister killed the baby.
Theory Three People also think that Charles Lindbergh killed his own son by accident and that he tried to cover up the evidence. That Bruno Hauptman was innocent and Killed without a trial.
Our Theory As a group, We believe that Bruno Hauptman and the Nanny, Betty Gow were both behind the killing of the Lindbergh baby. We believe this because when Charles Jr. Was kidnapped there was evidence besides a footprint and a ladder on the side of the house. That the Nanny cleaning up all the evidence from the Kidnapping.
Biography and Websites. ex.asp