Offline aAQUA
Developmental Informatics Lab Availability: Offline Access Works in resource constrained environment –intermittent and low bandwidth connectivity –Low speed/memory devices Complete aAqua can be navigated and searched in disconnected mode. Offline post also possible. Fast searching and browsing experience Delta of updates transferred between client and server. Handles heterogeneous database synchronization
Developmental Informatics Lab aAqua Offline Design aAqua on internet Light Db (SQLite) Client Application Repository Indexing Engine (lucene) Browser Light Web Server (lighttpd) Update database for new threads Store threads Post messages and fetch new or updated threads Read threads Build index Search Read Write
Offline aAQUA demo
Digital Library
Developmental Informatics Lab What is a DL? Some definitions: “A digital library is an organized and focused collection of digital objects, including text, images, video and audio, along with methods for access and retrieval, and for selection, creation, organization, and maintenance of the collection.” - Ian Witten et al.(Univ. of Waitako, NZ) “ A DL is a managed collection of information,with associated services,where the information is stored in digital formats and accessible over a network. A crucial part of this definition is that the information is managed. A stream of data sent to earth from a satellite is not a library. The same data when organized systematically becomes a digital library.” - William Arms(Cornell Univ.)
Developmental Informatics Lab Why DL? Manage content over the internet/intranet –“Content” can include pdf,text, doc, html, mp3, avi, , ppt, jpg files Useful as –Library: school, college, university, public, R&D, corporate, etc. –Publishing, Archiving of periodicals, research papers etc –Knowledge management system: universities, companies etc Scalability and Maintainability –advantages over maintaining a website of HTML pages Searchablity Metadata Published on CD-ROM/DVD Size - Up to several GB of text Usage monitoring and reporting Standards compliance –XML, Dublin Core, Unicode
Developmental Informatics Lab Some Open source DL Tools D Space GNU Eprints Greenstone
Developmental Informatics Lab DSpace MIT Libraries, Cambridge funded by HP
Developmental Informatics Lab
GNU Eprints University of Southampton, U.K.
Developmental Informatics Lab
Greenstone Digital library software New Zealand Digital Library Project, University of Waikato
Developmental Informatics Lab A few examples
Developmental Informatics Lab A few examples … contd
Developmental Informatics Lab A few examples … contd
Developmental Informatics Lab A few examples … contd
Developmental Informatics Lab IIT - Bombay Doctoral Theses Library
Developmental Informatics Lab A few examples … contd
Developmental Informatics Lab Comparison of Tools FeaturesDSpaceGreenstoneEPrints Open SourceYes Unicode CompliantYes Hindi/Marathi Interface (Existing) NoYesNo Built in HTML viewers NoYesNo Size6 MB31 MB2 MB ServerUnix OnlyUnix/Windows/Mac OS/XUnix Only Offline viewing/Browsing NoYesNo Technology PlatformJava, PostgreSQL, Apache Tomcat Java, C++, GDBM, Apache, Perl Apache, Perl, MySQL Document Formats supported All Formats including Datasets, simulation models, computer programs All doc formats, images. No support for audio and video files All doc types, , audio, video files.
Developmental Informatics Lab Why we chose Greenstone DL? Usability: oUser-friendly interfaces Availability and Access: oAccessible via any Web browser oAccessible even without internet (and updateable) oServer runs on Windows / Unix / Mac OS/X Reusable (Searching/browsing) oFull-text and fielded search oFlexible browsing facilities oMetadata-based (Dublin Core) oCollection-specific oHierarchical phrase browsing supported oCreates all access structures automatically Multilingual oDocuments and interfaces – Hindi, Chinese, Arabic, Maori, Russian etc Multimedia o video, audio collections Extensible oPlugins — support new document, metadata formats oClassifiers — help in creation of new metadata browsers
Developmental Informatics Lab Fig. 2 - Overview of the Runtime system Fig.1 - Overview of the Greenstone system Architecture
Developmental Informatics Lab Digital Library for Farmers
Developmental Informatics Lab How can we reach more farmers? Increase number of computer kiosks –Partnering with agri-kiosk providers Provide telephone/mobile phone based services Link with more expert organizations Increase awareness (Exhibitions such as Kisan) Increase Content –That is relevant –That is affordable DL focuses on creation of relevant content for farmers in Maharashtra
Developmental Informatics Lab Motivation Suggestions from Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Baramati to make digital repositories of –Crop Recommendations from Agricultural Universities –Crop Doctor – Diagnose diseases through a collection of diseased crops’ images –aAQUA Q&A Translations – Access aAQUA Q&A in 3 languages (Eng, Hindi, Marathi)
Developmental Informatics Lab How is the Digital Library Maintained? Content stored in aAQUA by KVK experts in a separate forum A computer program extracts the content Keywords are extracted based on a template provided – this helps in organizing the content (categorizing by crops, diseases etc) Archived in the digital library Usability is improved with feedback from users New collections identified
Developmental Informatics Lab Agricultural collections for farmers and Agri-practitioners
Developmental Informatics Lab Crop Recommendations University recommendations for different crops grown in Maharashtra, collected by experts at KVK. Contains recommendations for about 50 crops, classified under categories viz., fruits, vegetables, etc.
Developmental Informatics Lab Crop Doctor Contains information about different crop diseases with images and other diagnostic information about the disease such as symptoms, causative factors, preventive and control measures, etc. It also has a special section on biological control of pests and diseases. Info can be browsed by commodity names or disease names.
Developmental Informatics Lab Translated aAQUA Q&A Contains translations of aAQUA Q&A in English, Hindi and Marathi (courtesy- CFILT, IIT Bombay). Information can be viewed in any of the 3 languages. Documents organized by commodity names and languages.
DL Demo
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Developmental Informatics Lab Backup slides
Developmental Informatics Lab Detailed offline aaqua architecture