Prehistoric Cultures of the North American Continent
100,000 Years Ago Prehistoric people crossed to North America from Siberia along the Beringia land bridge during the last of the Ice Ages (10,000-40,000 years ago)
Paleo-Indians relied on hunting and gathering for subsistence and traveled in small, mobile, kin-based groups of people who lived and foraged together
Agricultural Revolution As the Ice Age ended the climate grew warmer, many of the Ice Age animals had been hunted to extinction. Forcing inhabitants to find new food sources 7,000 – 10,000 years ago the Native Americans began to grow crops (corn, beans, and squash), and domesticate animals (sheep, goats, pigs)
Moundbuilders agriculturalists who built great cities and impressive earthen mounds ex. Cahokia Mounds State Park in Illinois
Moundbuilders lived from the Atlantic, the Midwest and the Ohio Valley to the Mississippi Valley. Most advanced farming society north of Mexico
Southwestern Indians major farming complexes which relied to some extent on irrigation
Southwestern Indians Hohokam- Desert Canals and Mesa Grande Ruins
Key Question: How were the Paleo-Indians, the Moundbuilders, and Southwestern Indians different? similar? Explain.
European Colonization