Arizona Notes
Learning Goals: Identify important key facts about Arizona.
Journal Question: There is no journal question for this first section of Arizona Notes, however, in the future, you will always have a journal question and you must write down everything that is underlined. Arizona Facts
Arizona got its name from the word: ARIZONAC which is an Indian word for: – place of the small spring. Facts:
First Capital of Arizona: Prescott Second Capital of Arizona: Tucson Current Capital of Arizona: Phoenix... Prescott Phoenix Tucson
Facts (Continued) Became a State: February 14, 1912 Arizona was the 48th State in the United States. Alaska = 49 th Hawaii = 50 th
Facts (Continued) Arizona is the 6 th largest state in size Alaska = #1 Texas = #2
Nickname: The Grand Canyon State Population: 5,130,632 people 20 th largest population in the U.S. #1 is California = 34,000,000 people
Facts (Continued) Governor of Arizona: Jan Brewer Senators: Both are Republican John Jon McCain Kyl
Facts (Continued) One of the 4 corner States: Arizona Colorado Utah New Mexico Only place in the U.S. where 4 states all meet at one spot.
Facts (Continued) 5 Cs of Arizona: Cotton Cattle Copper Citrus Climate
Arizonas Size 400 miles north to south 350 miles east to west 113,642 square miles in area Humphreys Peak = highest point in the state = 12,633 feet Yuma desert = lowest point in the state
How Land is Divided 45% federal lands 27% federal trust land = Indian reservations 13% state owned 15% private ownership
Temperature Records Highest temperature 127 degrees Lowest temperature -40 degrees
Other Facts State Tree = Palo Verde State Bird = Cactus Wren State Flower = Saguaro Blossom
Facts (Continued) Flag: The 13 stripes of red and gold on the top half of the flag represent both the 13 original colonies of the Union, and the rays of the Western setting sun. Red and gold were also the colors carried by Coronado's Spanish expedition in search of the Seven Cities of Cibola in The bottom half of the flag has the same Liberty blue as the United States flag. Since Arizona was the largest producer of copper in the nation, a copper star was placed in the flag's center. This flag was adopted in 1917.