MPS Elementary ELA & Math 2012-2013 Targeted Transition to the 2010 AZ Standards (Common Core) The purpose of this presentation is to share important information about the transition to the 2010 AZ ELA & Math Standards for the coming 2012-2013 school year for grades 3-6. Each participant in grades 3-6 needs a copy of the 2012-2013 Targeted Implementation document for the appropriate grade level. These documents can be downloaded on the MPS Common Core Site, under the Content Links Tab for Elementary Reading and Elementary Math. Judy Larkins & Sheri Tarter, March 2012
MPS Targeted Transition What is the MPS Transition Plan to the 2010 AZ ELA & Math Standards (Common Core)? Which grade levels will transition and what is the timeline for transition in each grade level? What support will teachers receive from MPS? What tasks will teachers need to do? Where can I find more information? These questions will be addressed in the following slides.
What is Mesa’s Targeted Transition to the 2010 ELA and Math Standards and which grade levels will transition? In the 2011-2012 school year, kindergarten is fully implementing the 2010 Standards. For the 2012-2013 school year, grades 1 and 2 will fully implement the 2010 Standards and grades 3-6 will implement targeted standards in both ELA and Math. Starting with the 2013-2014 school year, all grades will fully implement the 2010 Standards. The PARRC Assessments are scheduled to be administered starting in the 2014-2015 school year.
2012-2013 Transition What support will teachers receive from MPS? For the 2012-2013 school year, grades 1 and 2 will receive newly aligned curriculum documents and math benchmark assessments. For the 2012-2013 school year, grades 3-6 will receive Targeted Implementation documents that identify the 2004 ELA/2008 Math and the 2010 standards to be taught during the year. Professional development courses will continue to be offered addressing the content and rigor of the 2010 Standards. MPS will continue to support teachers in this transition.
Math Targeted Transition What is the content and format of the Math Targeted Implementation documents in grades 3-6? The 2008 performance objectives and 2010 standards have been selected to teach the necessary skills for each student to be successful on the AIMS assessment and to introduce the rigor in some concepts of the 2010 Standards. The format is similar to the current curriculum in that it lists the Standards, Mathematical Practices, Explanations and Examples, and MPS Resources for each performance objective/standard listed. Participants should be given time to look at the content and format of the Targeted Implementation documents.
Math Targeted Transition What tasks will teachers need to do? Work collaboratively to analyze the 2010 Math Standards to uncover the skills and level of thinking in each standard. Plan the teaching of the Targeted Implementation performance objectives/standards. Integrate the Mathematical Practices in all math lessons. Continue to use the elementary math benchmarks to assess proficiency on the 2008 Math Standards. Continue to create common formative assessments to check for understanding on the 2008 and 2010 Math Standards contained in the Targeted Implementation documents. Collaboration in PLCs and by grade levels is necessary to successfully transition to the 2010 Math Standards.
ELA Targeted Transition What is the content and format of the ELA Targeted Implementation documents in grades 3-6? The 2004 performance objectives and 2010 standards have been selected to teach the necessary skills for each student to be successful on the AIMS assessment and to introduce the rigor in some concepts of the 2010 Standards. The format includes the 2010 Standards and the 2004 Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening, and Viewing & Presenting performance objectives. The six instructional shifts in ELA/Literacy are described. Review information on the slide. Participants should be given time to look at the content and format of the Targeted Implementation documents.
ELA Targeted Transition What tasks will teachers need to do? Work collaboratively to analyze the 2010 ELA Standards to uncover the skills and level of thinking in each standard. Plan the teaching of the Targeted Implementation performance objectives/standards. Continue to use the MesaREADS framework for reading instruction. Continue to create common formative assessments to check for understanding on the 2004 and 2010 ELA Standards contained in the Targeted Implementation documents. Collaboration in PLCs and by grade levels is necessary to successfully transition to the 2010 ELA Standards.
ELA & Math Targeted Transition Where can teachers find more information about the Mesa’s Transition to the 2010 Standards (Common Core)? Visit the MPS Common Core website Visit the Elementary Math Intranet Website Visit the Elementary Reading Intranet Website Questions? Please contact: Sheri Tarter, Elementary Math Specialist at or Judy Larkins, Elementary Reading Specialist at Places for more information.