How Our Homes Use Recycling Sales : Mackenzie Model: U
Recycling Facts The average American uses 7 trees a year and this really adds up! The amount of wood and paper we throw away each year is able to heat 50,000,000 homes for 20 years! Thats New York and Los Angeles for 20 years with more to spare! 84% of all household waste can be recycled.
Recycled Wood More distinguished than normal wood Saves Trees Cheap
Recycled Carpet Tiles Recyclable Washable Customizable
Denim Insulation Recycled Safe Renewable
Kitchen Recycling Center Easy to install Plastic is recycled Helps you organize Is hidden for easy storage
Cabinets Hand-made Eco Friendly Lots of combinations to choose from
Recycled Glass Counters Made in U.S.A.!!! Recycled Lots of choices
Recycled Glass Tiles Big color choice Reflects light for cooling Doesnt absorb water
Recycling for the Future
Ways to Support on-going recycling: Recycled Paper Towels
Ways to Support On-going Recycling: Composting
Composing: 1 Year Warranty Recycled Wood Weather Resistant 200 Gallon Capacity
You can find more information about eco-friendly homes at: cabinets-its-easy-being-green.shtml
This Slideshow was Sponsored by the Pictures from these sites: gallon_11_1.php being-green.shtml
Products Mentioned Could be Bought from: Floor Tiles: Recycled Wood: Kitchen Recycling Center: Recycled Glass Tiles: Recycled Glass Countertops: (Part of the U.S. Green Building Council and Green Center of Commerce) Compost Bin: Cabinets: