New legislation and a national project to double collective transport in Sweden Anna Grönlund, Secretary General for the Swedish Bus & Coach Federation
Time for change… We need to double the market share of collective transport within our society! Collective transport is a strategic tool for coping with the environment and employment issues: It creates the preconditions necessary for growth and for regional and business development It reduces carbon dioxide emissions Fewer people are killed and injured on the roads
Project Office - Communication - Coordination - Follow-up Common systems - Information, booking and payment - Station services Contract process - Model contracts - Standards Customer promises - Programme for environment, security, safety and availability The State / EU - Infrastructure - Legislation - Taxes Best practise The Knowledge Boost - Think tanks - Management courses - R & D Regional transport provision programme for sustainable travel All parts in the system must work together
New legislation and a national project to double collective transport in Sweden The new act governs public transport by rail, by tram, underground and on the road. It enters into force on 1 January News: Strategic decisions under new political responsibility - competent authorities = ”regional public bodies”: Public service obligations (PSO) must be expressed and manifested in a separate decision prior to the award procedure. More transparency in the decision-making process - following the EU directive 1370/2007 Procurement of services to follow procedures for service contracts or service concessions No exclusive rights Collective transport operators may provide local and regional public passenger services without limitations Collective transport operators must meet some basic requirements Be part of a national information system and must announce their entry into the market before commencing operations as well as their exit
Regional public transport authority Transport provision programme Public service obligation Contract Free market access New legislation – overall process
Good examples – more to come