Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Eco Committee
Question 1
What do you think the Eco Committee do? A write poems B talk about eating fruit C give money to charities D try to make the school Eco-friendly
What do you think the Eco Committee do? A write poems B talk about eating fruit C give money to charities D try to make the school Eco-friendly
Question 2
What is a green flag? A a football pitch B a small frog C it shows that we are an Eco friendly school D it shows that we have an Eco committee
What is a green flag? A a football pitch B a small frog C it shows that we are an Eco friendly school D it shows that we have an Eco committee
Question 3
On our Eco wall, what do the leaves represent? A our action plan B things we want C things we like D things to make the school healthier
On our Eco wall, what do the leaves represent? A our action plan B things we want C things we like D things to make the school healthier
Question 4
What is global warming? A it is a huge radiator B its to get rid of the polar bears C it warms the globe D its making the world too hot
What is global warming? A its a huge radiator B its to get rid of the polar bears C it warms the globe D its making the world too hot
Question 5
What do the 3Rs mean? A reading, writing & arithmetic B rocking, rolling & rebels C reduce, reuse & recycle D reduce, re-organise & remove
What do the 3Rs mean? A reading, writing & arithmetic B rocking, rolling & rebels C reduce, reuse & recycle D reduce, re-organise & remove
Question 6
What would you put in the skin bin? A plastic bottles B clothes C banana skins D sweet wrappers
What would you put in the skin bin? A plastic bottles B clothes C banana skins D sweet wrappers
Question 7
Why do we want to be Eco friendly? A to make books B to draw pictures C to have a bath D to help the environment
Why do we want to be Eco friendly? A to make books B to draw pictures C to have a bath D to help the environment
Question 8
Where can you put old batteries? A in the bin B in Mrs Russells office C in the battery box D in the playground
Where can you put old batteries? A in the bin B in Mrs Russells office C in the battery box D in the playground
Question 9
What does Eco mean? A helping all of nature – people, animals & plants – to stay healthy B we grow apples C we make fires D we empty bins
What does Eco mean? A helping all of nature – people, animals & plants – to stay healthy B we grow apples C we make fires D we empty bins
Question 10
How many pieces of litter should Mrs Russell find each day? A 1000 B 0 C 100 D 50
How many pieces of litter should Mrs Russell find each day? A 1000 B 0 C 100 D 50
Question 11
What should you do if you see litter on the ground? A leave it B hide it C tell a playground supervisor D pick it up and put it in the bin
What should you do if you see litter on the ground? A leave it B hide it C tell a playground supervisor D pick it up and put it in the bin
Question 12
Why should we recycle paper? A to read books B to help the environment C its good for displays D because the school wants you to
Why should we recycle paper? A to read books B to help the environment C its good for displays D because the school wants you to
Question 13
Why do we do litter picking? A we like to play with litter B we want to use the litter C we want to reduce the amount of litter D we recycle it
Why do we do litter picking? A we like to play with litter B we want to use the litter C we want to reduce the amount of litter D we recycle it
Question 14
What can you not recycle in school? A paper B material C milk cartons D batteries
What can you not recycle in school? A paper B material C milk cartons D batteries
Question 15
Starting soon, what will you receive if we see you putting things in the correct bin? A a punch B a tally mark C a green sticker D a piece of toast
Starting soon, what will you receive if we see you putting things in the correct bin? A a punch B a tally mark C a green sticker D a piece of toast
And lastly…….
Show us with your thumbs….. Will you try harder to be more Eco friendly? A yes B no C definitely