2/11/20141 Personalisation through Choice - S2 Pupils Presentation to parents February 2012 Mr R. Summers, Mr MacKinnon, Mrs Booker, Mr Fruish
2/11/20142 Introduction Recap on S1 and S2 Making logical and appropriate choices Why pupils should be aiming as high as possible Broad General Education S1-3 S4 and thinking beyond S4 Procedures for making choices (S Booker) Course choices and Timetabling (G. Fruish/ S MacKinnon) General questions
2/11/20143 Recap on S1 and S2 Common course in S1 and S2, with everyone taking the same subjects Setting in English and Maths in S1 Setting in English, Maths, Science, French and CDT in S2 By now, clearer idea of subjects you are best at, subjects you like and (for some) subjects you need for career Informing the change for CFE – staff, pupils, Parent Council
2/11/20144 Basic principles underpinning personalisation and choice All pupils can progress in S3 then S4 From 15 or so subjects in S2 to 8 choices in S3 Keeping it broad - must do English, must do Mathematics, then choosing five subjects plus enhancement plus automatic PE, RME and PSE Complete your studies using CFE outcomes and experiences at Level 3 and Level 4 in S3 S3 report and S3 profile Enabling presentation in many SQA subjects in S4
2/11/20145 Making logical and appropriate choices English and Mathematics compulsory French recommended for most by Scottish Executive, by HMIe and by us Balance of subjects across curriculum areas – Social Subjects, Language,Science, Arts, Technologies Enhancement column - new Lifelong Learning and a portfolio of careers
2/11/20146 Making logical and appropriate choices (2) Do not choose subjects because your best friend is doing it, because you like the teacher, or because you have heard that it is an easy subject! What are my best subjects just now? Are there any new subjects I would like to try? What subjects do I enjoy? What subjects do I need for a career? Can CAT predictions help? Keep options open!
2/11/20147 Enhancement column To keep balance across curriculum areas for Broad General Education Arts, Sciences, Language, Social Subjects, Technologies 2 period course not 3 periods for other choices – for one year only In S4, the 2 periods are given to English and Mathematics for Literacy and Numeracy
2/11/20148 Why Aim High? Better to set a challenging goal and just miss it than set an unambitious one and coast to it All schools are looking to raise the attainment of their pupils Global economy and the knowledge economy Few unskilled jobs Soft skills for employment developed in school – teamwork, initiative, flexibility, communication, IT, leadership Attendance, engagement and commitment
2/11/20149 Demands of S3 and S4 Increased quality and quantity of work expected Regular homework Regular topic tests requiring revision No S3 examinations since pupils have not started a certificate course S4 preliminary examinations for National 5 SQA coursework to be submitted in March of S4 National SQA qualifications in S4
2/11/ Thinking beyond S4 More and more pupils are returning to S5 – only 26 left in May 2011 Those who leave in May S4 – two thirds unemployed in September During S4 start refocusing on possible career – Careers interview, Guidance staff, websites Work Experience week in S4 may help College courses and university courses
The Mechanics of Choice The choice form - over to Mrs Booker THEN Dealing with choice forms and enquiries – over to Mr Fruish THEN Timetabling issues – over to Mr MacKinnon 2/11/201411
2/11/ S4 - moving to qualifications English and Literacy Mathematics and Numeracy RME 5 choices continuing from S3 Enhancement choice drops at end of S3 Majority presented at National4 or National 5 National 4 – internal generation of evidence, external moderation National 5 – coursework plus external assessment
2/11/ Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework 7 Advanced Higher 6 Higher 5National 5= Credit Grade 4National 4 = General Grade 3Access 3 = Foundation Grade 2Access 2 1Access 1
2/11/ Support for making choices Social Education programme S3 choice package and SQA Qualifications guide Guidance interview Parents Evening Careers advice Subject teacher information Careers Computer Programs and Web Sites
2/11/ Social Education programme Materials from Skills Development Scotland ie Careers Scotland Youngsters are asked to consider what they like, what they are good at, what their career ideas are and also look at matching up careers with personalities and skills Introduction to Careers Library Can ask for a Careers interview, can meet SDS representative at S2 Parents Meeting
2/11/ S3 Choice Package S3 Personalisation through Choice Booklet S2 report Choice Sheet with recommendations Parents Meeting Thursday 1st March 5-7pm - appointments sheet Letter from East Lothian Council
Booklet on school website Interactive on screen – flick to the pages you want – 89 pages long! In colour Contents page near start Print out as required Pupils have a black and white copy Subject work in S3 and qualifications details for S4 2/11/201417
2/11/ What happens next Completed choice form is returned by Wednesday 7th March Each pupils choice entered in to computer file based on timetable columns Best fit achieved – class sets will be close to maximum and we cannot guarantee all requests
2/11/ Questions
SQA – their part in CFE SQA website – for national 4 and 5 Course and Unit Support Notes Course Assessment Specifications Unit specifications for 4,5 and Higher Course specifications for A2, A3, 4, 5 and Higher Course rationales and summaries for A2-Higher Overview of Qualifications Reports Progress Reports Design Principles The final documents for Access-Higher to be published in April /11/201422
Course Specification Mathematics National 4 – course provides progression from the Numeracy and Mathematics experiences and outcomes to develop an understanding of the concepts, principles and processes of mathematics and apply these in different contexts experiences and outcomes provides progression from the Numeracy and Mathematics experiences and outcomes to develop operational, reasoning and numeracy skills enables learners to select and apply mathematical techniques and solve problems in a variety of mathematical and real-life situations develops skills in manipulation of abstract terms in order to solve problems and to generalise follows the design principles agreed by the Curriculum for Excellencedesign principles 2/11/201423
Mathematics Nat 4 (2) will be benchmarked against Standard Grade General/Intermediate 1 has the same Course structure as National 5 will assess added value through a test (work is ongoing with stakeholders and key partners to ensure that this approach is appropriate and manageable) will assess added value through a test 2/11/201424