PARTNERS MEACA Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania In collaboration/ partnership with ILO Commissioned assignment in October 2014
O BJECTIVES OF THE GUIDE The Guide provides information on key EAC trade rules and procedures, relating to trade taking place within the EAC (intra-EAC trade), in a simplified and user-friendly manner.
S TRUCTURE OF T HE G UIDE Section 1: Introduction Section 2: Trade and Investment in the East African Community Section 3: EAC Trade Rules and Regulations Section 4: Regulations on Free Movement of Persons Section 5:Regulations on Movement of Workers Section 6:Key Support Services for Traders APPENDIX
S ECTION 1: I NTRODUCTION About the EAC Scope and objectives Users of Guide Structure of Guide
S ECTION 2: T RADE AND I NVESTMENT IN THE EAC Key statistics- ie population, GDP, GDP per capita, trade volumes, Foreign Direct Investments Most traded goods within the EAC ( generally) Most traded good for small scale traders: Cereal and grains Clothes and shoes African jewellery and clothes Cigarettes Metal spare parts Mobile phones
S ECTION 3: EAC T RADE R ULES AND REGULATIONS Information presented in three key sub-sections; 1. Trading in unprocessed agricultural produce; 2. Trading in manufactured and semi- processed goods and; 3. Trading in services.
3.1 T RADING IN UNPROCESSED A GRICULTURAL P RODUCE The EAC Rules of Origin Additional certificates are required in order to ensure food, animal and human health and safety. This is commonly referred to as Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary measures. A trader is required to obtain an import license from designated agencies before being able to import the produce into another EAC Partner State.
3.2 T RADING IN M ANUFACTURED AND S EMI -P ROCESSED G OODS 1. The EAC Rules of Origin; For goods worth US$ 2,000 and over: 4 Rules For goods below US$ 2,000 (Simplified Certificate of Origin) 2. Product Quality Standards and; 3. Domestic/internal taxes; VAT and Excise
3.3 T RADING IN S ERVICES Difference between service suppliers and workers However, the regulations governing movement of workers also apply to movement of temporary service suppliers
SECTION 4: REGULATIONS ON FREE MOVEMENT OF PERSONS a valid travel document, i.e. passport or temporary pass document comply with immigration procedures e.g. filling in the required immigration forms, and getting the right medical vaccinations such as yellow fever vaccination. Tanzania for example requires that persons entering Tanzania must be vaccinated against yellow fever.
SECTION 5: REGULATIONS ON MOVEMENT OF WORKERS Work permit Required Documents A valid passport; A contract of employment and; Any other document(s) that may be required by authorities
SECTION 6: KEY SUPPORT SERVICES FOR TRADERS National Social Security National hospital Funds Legal services Insurance services
APPENDIX Provides country specific ( Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania) information on; Registration of individual businesses/sole proprietorship Registration of Companies
P ROPOSED DISSEMINATION STRATEGY Wide dissemination of Printed Guide through MEACAs, trade fairs and exhibitions, and Women Entrepreneurs Associations In-country workshops targeting WEAs E-platforms/portal /social media MEACAs, and WEAs websites, Media especially national and community radio
"Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream." ~Mark Twain