HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY This is a statement that sets out how a firm manages health and safety in the workplace. Shows the steps and arrangements in place to ensure the firm is following all health and safety legislation. The policy is a requirement under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974)
COMMON SECURITY MEASURES STAFF ENTRY AND MOVEMENT Only authorised personnel have access to premises. Methods include: Intercom or security doors Identification passes – with name, photo and maybe used as a swipe card Careful handling and issuing of keys
VISITORS Visitors should report to reception on arrival Keep other entrances to a minimum Visitors should be given a visitors badge Visitors should not be left unsupervised. Receptionist should ensure that the visitor leaves the building and hands back the pass.
ACCESS TO INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY Passwords – not obvious and changed regularly Read-Only Files – which cannot be changed by anyone Virus software Locked rooms or filing cabinets Shredded any confidential documents that are not needed
GENERAL SECURITY MEASURES Hiring security staff Use of CCTV Serial numbers equipment and keep a record Ultra-violet markers used to identify equipment