The following are commonly used as INDICATORS to determine the level of need in a given country: Annual Gross National/Domestic Product (GNP / GDP) per capita Annual Gross National/Domestic Product (GNP / GDP) per capita Number of people per doctor Number of people per doctor Average life expectancy Average life expectancy Literacy rate Literacy rate Birth rate Birth rate Percentage of children who attend school Percentage of children who attend school
Many African countries currently suffer from the following serious PROBLEMS: Debt Debt War War Famine Famine Food shortages Food shortages
African countries such as Somalia, Rwanda and Sudan have been devastated by wars in recent years. The following are common EFFECTS OF WAR: Government money spent on weapons Government money spent on weapons Farming disrupted (e.g. land mines) Farming disrupted (e.g. land mines) Roads, railways, communications destroyed Roads, railways, communications destroyed Large numbers of hungry refugees Large numbers of hungry refugees
Famine and Food Shortage Famine is a short-term problem brought about by crop failure Famine is a short-term problem brought about by crop failure Food Shortage is a longer-term problem which can take place without famine Food Shortage is a longer-term problem which can take place without famine
Need Low food production Low food production Low income and poverty Low income and poverty Disease and low life expectancy Disease and low life expectancy High infant mortality High infant mortality Lack of decent health care Lack of decent health care Poor levels of literacy Poor levels of literacy Lack of education Lack of education
Need cont. Sub-standard housing and homelessness Sub-standard housing and homelessness Low Gross Domestic Product (amount of wealth produced each year) Low Gross Domestic Product (amount of wealth produced each year) Unrepayable debt Unrepayable debt Poor government Poor government Poltical instability Poltical instability Abuse of human rights Abuse of human rights Conflict – either internal or with neighbouring countries Conflict – either internal or with neighbouring countries
Question Explain why two of the problems mentioned on the previous page can result in a developing country needing Aid. Explain why two of the problems mentioned on the previous page can result in a developing country needing Aid.