Curriculum for Excellence a twilight session for NQTs Aims Explore the issues surrounding the priorities arising from the CfE questionnaire. Provide an opportunity for questions & discussion around CfE. Learning Intentions I have an idea of what my lessons will be like once Curriculum for Excellence has been implemented fully. I understand what Curriculum for Excellence means for me and my pupils. I can make some changes in light of Curriculum for Excellence. I know how I can provide assessments which reflect the values and principles of Curriculum for Excellence. I understand the relationship between Curriculum for Excellence and Assessment is for Learning. What is CfE aiming for? I have an idea of what my lessons will be like once Curriculum for Excellence has been implemented fully. I understand what Curriculum for Excellence means for me and my pupils. I can make some changes in light of Curriculum for Excellence. What is CfE aiming for? IN GROUPS (approx. 4) Thought Shower What makes an excellent school? JtE Video: What makes an excellent school for you? How does these views compare to your own? What is CfE aiming for? What is CfE aiming for? IN PAIRS What would a typical lesson look like in an excellent school? Make a brief plan of your excellent lesson. What is CfE aiming for? Look at BtC1 p20 & BtC3 p IN PAIRS How does your excellent school and lesson plan compare with these documents? What is CfE aiming for? INDIVIDUALLY Choose one aspect of an excellent school or lesson which you could begin working on now. Assessment & CfE I know how I can provide assessments which reflect the values and principles of Curriculum for Excellence. I understand the relationship between Curriculum for Excellence and Assessment is for Learning. Assessment & CfE IN GROUPS Divide BtC5 summary document evenly between you. INDIVIDUALLY Speed read your section highlighting sentences with two colours – green for current practice & yellow for new practice. Assessment & CfE IN GROUPS Summarise BtC5 on two pieces of flipchart paper: Current Practice and New Practice Assessment & CfE Compare the summaries produced with the AifL Triangle. IN GROUPS Is there any overlap? Can you highlight the AifL triangle using the same two colours? Assessment & CfE Assessment following learning: Either in pairs or individually: Think of a piece of learning you will soon be undertaking with a class. Try planning this piece of learning using the proforma adapted from the National Assessment Resource content development process. In what ways does this help address any of the New Practice identified? Could you try this plan out? Learning Intentions I have an idea of what my lessons will be like once Curriculum for Excellence has been implemented fully. I understand what Curriculum for Excellence means for me and my pupils. I can make some changes in light of Curriculum for Excellence. I know how I can provide assessments which reflect the values and principles of Curriculum for Excellence. I understand the relationship between Curriculum for Excellence and Assessment is for Learning. Any Questions? Fearghal Kelly