With reference to at least 2 specific PR systems, what are the arguments for and against PR systems.
P: The Single Transferable Vote allows greater power to voters. More candidates are put forward from each party therefore more choice is given. E: In 2007 Scottish Council elections, voters could vote for Labour or SNP twice – as more than one candidate from the party was put forward. This means voters have more power as they can vote for not just one candidate from their favoured party, but two. A: Too many people elected often results in arguments over who to go and speak to with a problem, and who to blame. In constituencies in Northern Ireland there is as many as 6 Assembly Members representing.
P: The Additional Members System gives smaller parties more of a chance of being elected. E: In 2003, seven Scottish Socialist Party MSPs were elected and there are currently two Green MSPs elected. This means that there are lots of different views in parliament and laws that are passed are more likely to be free from bias because of the large variety of opinions that have to agree to it. A: However, sometimes smaller parties can have too much power due to coalition governments. For example, in 2003 the Liberal Democrats came fourth in the actual elections but then went on to form a coalition with Labour for four years which does not effectively represents the opinions of voters because people did not want the Liberal Democrats to be elected.
P: In some ways AMS takes power away from the people. The Regional List System delivers unelected MSPs. E: Without by-elections, when a List MSP resigns, they are just replaced by another candidate from their party. E: For example, in August 2007 SNP (Stefan Tymkemycz) resigned as List MSP for the Lothian's. No one voted for his replacement, Shirley-Anne Somerville, so she was an unelected MSP. A: However, AMS is an uncomplicated method of voting. Voters vote twice, one for Constituency and List MSPs.