Mick Burns Alison McGeechan Careers Advisers Ross High School On this next screen select the ‘Services’ button then select ‘My Toolkit’ - this will take you back to ‘Career Toolkit’ where you can direct your group to a specific feature You now have the choice to choose the elements suitable for your group: My DNA: this is a fun quiz to help you discover more about yourself. This tool helps you understand what makes you tick and will help you think about your future My Strengths: learn what your strengths are and how to make the most of them. There’s also lots of articles about how to use your strengths, why they are important and how you can use them in school or work. Careers A-Z: this has lots of information about hundreds of different jobs. You can search by job title or by sector to find out what the job involves, the average salaries and the skills, qualifications and experience needed to do them. Course Choices: you can search 1000’s of learning, training and volunteering places to find the right one for you. Job Search: find the job for you with new vacancies added every day. My CV: with this you can build, edit and store up to five different CVs in a few simple steps. My Interview: this is an interactive interview to help you prepare for and understand what to expect when you go for an interview. Web Chat: if at any step you feel that you need some help or some specific information you can use Web Chat. 1
Career Management Skills – making a career decision Self: knowing who you are Strengths: knowing what you’re good at Horizons: knowing what is out there Networks: knowing who can help you
Kinds of Decisions Whether or not to stay on for S6? If you stay, what are your best Subject choices for S6? What careers could suit you – and what is the best route into these for you? Where should you move on to after school? What is a good back up option for you? If things change later on, what is the best career decision then?
Buzz Personality Test
E I I think out loud I generally act quickly I’m a good talker I prefer to stand out I think before I speak I generally act carefully I’m a good listener I prefer to blend in Donkey is an E, Shrek is an I
N S I look for patterns I focus on how to make it different I prefer learning new things I tend to join in anywhere I look for details I focus on what works now I prefer applying what I’ve learned I tend to go step by step Sherlock Holmes is an N, Dr Watson is an S
F T I generally follow my I generally follow my head heart I am careful about saying things that might upset someone I tend to avoid giving or receiving criticism I ask “How will it affect people?” I generally follow my head I tell it how I see it I can give and take criticism easily I ask “Is it the right decision?” Cheryl Cole is a F, Simon Cowell is a T
J P I like to plan and organise I like writing lists I like things tidy I prefer it when I have finished a task I like to wonder how things will turn out I don’t like writing lists I don’t mind things untidy I prefer it when I’ve started a task Bart is a P, Lisa is a J
Learning Styles – what is best for you? J Working in groups When talking about the subject When you know why you are learning When you know how you can use the learning With support and encouragement When praised for good work When there is clear structure and routine With an accurate start and finish time I N T P Somewhere quiet where you can concentrate without interruption When you can apply your learning in new ways When you know the theory behind the idea When there is a logical order to follow When you can show that you can use the learning When there is variety in the place and style of study
ISTJ Polar Bear ISFJ Koala Bear INFJ Sea-horse INTJ Barn Owl INTP Tawny Owl ISTP Tiger ISFP Cat INFP Seal ENFP Clown Fish ESTP Panther ESFP Lion ENTP Falcon ENFJ Dolphin ENTJ Eagle ESTJ Black Bear ESFJ Teddy Bear
ISTJ 14% ISFJ 13% INFJ 2% INTJ 1% INTP 2% ISTP 6% ISFP 6% INFP 3% ENFP 6% ESTP 6% ESFP 9% ENTP 3% ENFJ 3% ENTJ 3% ESTJ 10% ESFJ 13%
this is the end of publishing and books are dead and boring no longer can it be said that we like to read my friends and I we don’t like the way books feel in our hands it’s not true that I don’t follow trends I have to tell you my attention span is too small for big ideas and it’s just not true that I read a lot and I like learning what’s important to me is what Lady Gaga is wearing and I don’t really care all that much what Gandhi did last century
I think it’s unbelievable that you’re actually listening to us what’s important for you is that you’ll find customers for your products you’ll think your job’s done if we like your brand we’ll do it for you on Facebook on our mobiles me and my friends your market is dying don’t think that it’s all going to survive it is …… the end of publishing … Unless you change/reverse your opinion of me…..
that you’re actually listening to us what’s important for you is that you’ll find customers for your of products you’ll think your job’s done if we like your brand we’ll do it for you on Facebook on our mobiles me and my friends your market is dying don’t think that it’s all going to survive it is ……
this is the end of publishing books are dead and boring and no longer can it be said that we like to read my friends and I we don’t like the way books feel in our hands it’s not true that I don’t follow trends I have to tell you my attention span is too small for big ideas and it’s just not true that I read a lot and I like learning what’s important to me is what Lady Gaga is wearing and I don’t really care all that much what Gandhi did last century I think it’s unbelievable
Who Are You. My type: __ __ __ __ Animal: ………………………… Who Are You? My type: __ __ __ __ Animal: ………………………….. Identify 3 of your strengths which relate to your profile 1..……………………………………………………. 2. …………………………………………………… 3. …………………………………………………… Where do you plan to go when you leave school e.g. university, college, apprenticeship, employment? 1st Choice …………………… 2nd Choice (back up plan) …………………… What do you plan to do when you get there (e.g. type of course, career ideas) Tip – if you are unsure, use the Buzz handout to give you some ideas ……………………………………………………………………………………… Next Steps What do you need to do next to help you reach your goal? e.g. visit websites, organise work experience to help with university applications, apply to college, apply for apprenticeships. State deadline.