SCOTTISH PRISON SERVICE: PRISONER POPULATION Prisoner Population at Friday 14 September 2007 Untried Male Adults1,050 Untried Female Adults70 Untried Male Young Offenders261 Untried Female Young Offenders16 Sentenced Male Adults4,813 Sentenced Female Adults232 Sentenced Male Young Offenders681 Sentenced Female Young Offenders20 Recalled Life Prisoners70 Convicted Prisoners Awaiting Sentencing210 Prisoners Awaiting Deportation11 Under 16's0 Civil Prisoners0 All Scotland Total7,434
Scotland:Main points In 2006/07, the average daily population in Scottish prisons totalled 7,183, an increase of 5% when compared with the 2005/06 figure of 6,857, and the highest annual level ever recorded. Over the ten year period, 1997/98 – 2006/07, the average daily female prison population has increased by 90%. The 2006/07 female prison population was 353, an increase from 334 in 2005/06. The average daily remand population in 2006/07 was 1,567, up 26% compared with the 2005/06 figure of 1,242 and the highest level ever recorded. In 2006/07, the average daily population of fine defaulters was 46, a decrease of 13% compared to 53 in 2005/06. The average daily population of prisoners recalled from supervision or licence has risen substantially, increasing by 30% to 519 in 2006/07, from 400 in 2005/06.
The average population of sentenced young offenders (excluding fine defaulters) was 640 in 2006/07, an increase of 3% compared with the 2005/06 figure of 619. The number of long-term adult prisoners, those sentenced to 4 years or more (including life sentences and recalls), decreased by 1% to 2,693 in 2006/07, from 2,724 in 2005/06. The number of short-term adult prisoners, those sentenced to less than 4 years (excluding fine defaulters) was 2,236 in 2006/07, an increase of 1% from 2,217 in 2005/06. The total number of releases on home detention curfew from its introduction on 3 July 2006 to 31 March 2007 was 1,270, of which 235 (19%) were recalled to custody.
Prisoners' sentences More than 17,000 prisoners were sentenced for violent crimes. A further 10,000 were found guilty of drugs offences and about 8,500 of burglary. In August 2006, about 7,600 prisoners were serving life or indeterminate sentences - up 27% in a year. But more than half of prisoners serve less than six months. About one in five prisoners is being held on remand.
Prison overcrowding Prisons have been overcrowded every year since Since 1997, more than 17,000 extra prison spaces have been created. A further 8,000 are planned, but critics say this may not be enough. In early 2007, some prisoners were being held in court and police cells because jails were full.
Social characteristics Almost half of prisoners ran away as a child - compared to 11% of the general population. About one in three female and half of male prisoners were excluded from school and a majority have no qualifications. Less than 5% of the general population have two or more mental disorders, compared to 72% of male and 70% of female sentenced prisoners.
Suicide and self harm In , 63 prisoners took their own lives - down from a high of 102 in Male local prisons accounted for 73% of the deaths, despite having just 36% of the population. Self harm remains a cause of concern, with more than 20,000 such incidents during the year. More than half of these were among women, who account for 5% of prisoners.
Leaving prison Re-offending rates among offenders are high - about two thirds are reconvicted within two years of release. Among men aged the rate is about three quarters. Accommodation problems are common - nearly one in three will not have somewhere to live upon release. A majority of prisoners will have no job to go to and six out of 10 employers automatically exclude those with a criminal record.