Supporting a Political Party
Joining a Party n Strong belief in partys policies n Main Scottish parties are Labour, SNP, Liberal Democrats, Conservative and Green n Parties publish policies in their manifesto before each election
Membership Rights n Vote in party leadership elections n Vote to decide partys constituency candidate n May apply to stand as a candidate n Contributing to forming and deciding policies n May attend the annual party conference
Membership Responsibilities n To make regular financial contributions to party funds n To publicise the party (not just before elections) n To share the load of organising and supporting party activities n To support the election campaign
Supporting the Election Campaign n Active support particularly needed at election times n Special emphasis on winning over floating voters n Mainly at a constituency level
The Local Campaign n Producing and circulating leaflets n Displaying posters n Holding public meetings n Door-to-door or mobile canvassing n Organising public appearances of candidates
The National Campaign n Party Political Broadcasts n Leadership tours and walkabouts n Developing media image and newspaper support n Advertising campaign
Standing as a Candidate n Must apply to party to be considered as a candidate n Must have track record of commitment to the party n Hard worker, good communicator, trustworthy and respected n To stand independently, must have ten local nominations and £500 deposit
Party Websites n n n n n
Homework for next lesson n Visit at least 2 of the party websites and find out: n how to join their political party n 2 of their policies for the 2007 election