AIRS/Essential Learning Webinar Co-presented by: Clive Jones, AIRS Sandra Ray, United Way of Greater Houston Leslie Mariner, Essential Learning
Goals of the Presentation Introduction Essential Learning Highlights of AIRS Partnership Greater Houston United Way Experience Demo Sampling of Courses How to Access Courses and More Information
About Essential Learning Established in 2002 Focus Exclusively on E-Learning for Behavioral Health and Human Service Organizations Hosted, web-based, Learning Management System (LMS) and online courses for organizations CEQuick online courses for individuals Over 800 Organizations Using Our System in 48 States & Canada 97% Customer Retention since inception of company 350,000 Active Registered Students More than 5.3 million course completions Comprehensive compliance and CEU libraries for Human Services Organizations More Information –
AIRS Online Training AIRS Membership survey in early 2006 sought insights into unmet needs – more training was a strong refrain Linda Daily (now with United Way Worldwide) undertook some research for AIRS and recommended online training Essential Learning was identified on becoming aware of its use by many social service agencies including the Mental Health Association of New York City
AIRS Online Training Contract with Essential Leaning signed mid-2006 with aim for launch of online training portal early 2007 Developed first online courses (support from Dammann Fund) There were/are two options to access: Individual purchase (the pay-as-you-learn or CE Quick model at and the Organizational Training
AIRS Online Training 2008 CEQ course completions = Org model completions = 3, CEQ course completions = Org model completions = 9,880 Users find that staff learn and retain differently through online training
AIRS Online Training Advantages of Organizational Training Portals Clarity for training budget as annual fee No need to dig out the credit card 24/7 access, so flexibility for staff Staff find themselves taking more courses Managers can access a tracking and reporting system that shows training activity Organizations can design an unlimited number of own basic courses, free of charge, in a variety of standard formats
AIRS Online Training 2010 AIRS membership survey ranked online training as 6 th most important service/product provided by AIRS (69% rated it as either Very or Extremely Important; only 6% said it had no importance to their agency
AIRS Online Training And yet …. In a 2008 membership survey, 36% of agencies said at least one staff member had taken an online course (64% had not …) And in a 2009 survey … the numbers were exactly the same …
AIRS Online Training Current AIRS courses: AIRS: An Overview for Resource Specialists AIRS: CIRS Practice Examination AIRS: Confidentiality AIRS: Database Maintenance AIRS: Disaster Preparation and Management AIRS: I&R Crisis Intervention AIRS: I&R Customer Service AIRS: I&R for Military Service Members and their Families
AIRS Online Training Current AIRS courses: AIRS: Inclusions and Exclusions AIRS: Introduction to I&R AIRS: Introduction to Taxonomy AIRS: Resource Database Style AIRS: Serving People with MH Issues AIRS: Serving Young People AIRS: The I&R Process AIRS: Working With Challenging Clients
AIRS Online Training For Certification Useful for not essential Certain courses are core (e.g. AIRS: Introduction to Taxonomy and AIRS: The I&R Process) Each credit hour = one credit hour for Recertification Also provides CEU hours for those who need them for other professional credentials
AIRS Online Training AIRS Training Committee Value of access to Essential Learnings existing online catalogue/library Reviewing course evaluations, overseeing new courses and updates to existing ones Assessing relevance of new courses to our members (Managing Teams, Attitudes at Work, Effective Boards)
AIRS Online Training: Future Goals More AIRS members setting up their own Organizational Training Portals More organizations creating their own courses and sharing them with their I&R colleagues More experimenting with new ways of delivering online training (e.g. audio)
How to Individual Course Purchase Organizational Training Portal – contact Essential Learning for more information /11/201415