ARE BENEFITS THE SAME FOR ACTIVE DUTY AND RESERVISTS? A discussion on the differences between benefits Active, Reserve; Separated, Retired
Introduction Since 1973 the United States Military has been an all volunteer force in service to our Country. When a service member completes basic training they earn the right to a title that can never be taken away.
1 st Enlistment Total of an eight year obligation with initial enlistment in the Marine Corps Most Marines chose the below path Four years on Active Duty Four years Individual Ready Reserve
Obligation Options Individual Ready Reserve Marine or Army Reserve National Guard Any of the above options are acceptable for the completion of the second half of the eight year obligation if the service member decides to not continue on active duty.
Obligation Options Questions?
Education Benefits Enlistment Incentive College Loan Repayment Program Offered by Army, Navy, Air Force Special enlistment incentive offered to non prior service qualified applicants at the time of enlistment.
Education Benefits Army and Navy offer to pay up to $65,000 in unpaid student loans. Air Force offers to pay up to $10,000 in unpaid student loans Program requires successful completion of four year active obligation. At the end of each year 33 1/3 percent or $1,500 which ever is larger is applied to unpaid balance.
Education Benefits For all three of the services it is important to remember that each program has differences for eligibility and that service recruiters should be consulted for specifics on the College Loan Repayment Program.
Education Benefits Marine Corps has not offered the College Loan Repayment Program. Recruiters are able to sell the value of the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill and Tuition Assistance. Online learning has become a popular education vehicle for todays military due to the convenience of time flexibility and that it can be accomplished in just about every location.
Post 9/11 vs. Montgomery G.I. Bill Montgomery G. I. Bill Eligibility Established in June, 1985 Enrollment fee of $1,200 Minimum of two years active service Flat rate payments of $1,473 to veteran No additional allowance for housing / books Benefit period of 10 years No transferability option of benefit
Post 9/11 vs. Montgomery G.I. Bill Post 9/11 G. I. Bill Eligibility Served after September 10, 2001 No enrollment fee Minimum 90 days active service VA pays 100% in-state tuition Up to $ housing allowance $41.67 per credit book/supply stipend Benefit period spans 15 years Transfer of benefit option
Post 9/11 G. I. Bill Service Requirements Months of ServicePercentage of Benefit 36 or at least 30 days active service with 100% disability to to to to to days to 6 months40
G. I. Bill and the Reserves The Post 9/11 G. I. Bill works nearly the same way for the Reserve component. The table shown before is accurate when it speaks of active duty time. If there has not been an extended period of active duty service then it is a six year completed service obligation.
TRICARE TRICARE is the Department of Defenses worldwide health care program available to eligible beneficiaries from any of the uniformed services
TRICARE Eligibility Benefit is available for: Active Duty National Guard and Reserves Retirees
TRICARE Eligibility Eligibility for Tricare is determined by information in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). Marriage Certificates, Birth Certificates, Adoption Papers, Divorce Papers are required to keep this data base as accurate as possible.
TRICARE Prime The primary program utilized around military installations. Enrollment is required Available to Retirees Receive most care from a primary care manager (PCM) a military treatment facility (MTF) or within the Tricare network. PCM referrals are required for most specialty care.
TRICARE Standard Is a fee-for-service option that is a worldwide option. No enrollment required No annual enrollment fee Annual deductibles and cost-shares apply Receive care from non-network providers No referrals required
Tricare Dental Program Voluntary enrollment Single and family plans Affordable monthly premiums 100 percent coverage for most preventive and diagnostic services Administered by United Concordia
Tricare Retiree Dental Program Voluntary enrollment Single, dual, and family plans Monthly premiums vary by Zip code, deductibles and cost shares apply Comprehensive coverage for most dental services See any dentist within TRDP service area Administered by Delta Dental
Tricare Regional Administrators Tricare North Region Health Net Federal Services Tricare South Region Humana Military Healthcare Services Tricare West Region TriWest Healthcare Alliance Corp
Community Support Alliance of Information and Referral Systems is a vital supportive element for the continuing care of our Service members and their families Military OneSource It is the initiative and genuine desire to help people that make AIRS members so special
Patriotic Tribute Ladies and Gentlemen Please Rise For the Pledge of Allegiance
Patriotic Tribute WRNS
Community Support
Military Order of the Purple Heart Wounded Warrior Christmas Leave Program Americanism Elementary School Classes Take Pride in Your Flag
Community Support American Legion Heroes to Hometown Program Program designed to help Wounded Warriors transition back into society. Over 1,100 Veterans assisted in 2011
Community Support
Disabled American Veterans Provide support for transitioning service men and women in the development of claims for Veterans
Community Support Veterans of Foreign Wars
THANK YOU Enjoy the rest of the conference