ADVOCACY 201 AIRS Conference Bob Blancato May 24, 2010
Welcome Welcome to Advocacy 201 Named in recognition of those who attended last years session-Advocacy 101 Session will cover some of the basics and also add some enhancements and possibly a role play example if time allows.
Advocacy vs. Lobbying Come as public policy consultant to AIRS for the past several years and with that comes advocacy. Distinguish between advocacy and lobbying as a starting point Direct lobbying involves communication with a legislator that expresses a view about specific legislation. Communication meaning a call, letter, , fax or other method.
Legislator-directly or with his/her staff or executive branch staff working on implementing legislation/initiative. Expresses view about specific legislation pretty self explanatory
Public Policy and Advocacy Public policy and advocacy take real commitment at all levels. AIRS is fortunate to have a strong membership base and affiliate structure to aid in advocacy. An advocacy and public policy plan has to be adaptable to changing times and issues. Deficit reduction as an example.
Advocacy and 211 Advocacy is about having good information, being reliable, constant, realistic, always building relationships and working to become a resource. We apply our advocacy work on different issues in unique ways. Leading with 211-multi-pronged
Advocacy and 211 cont… At the National level there has been constant communication with co-sponsors including visits, s that include a local angle with local data. Work in collaboration with United Way and 211 US. Affiliate Councils Results this year in terms of building support has been great. Moving the bill, not as great as of yet.
H.Res.187 Expressing support for the designation of May 7 as National Information and Referral Services Day. If 211 legislation were to move, the resolution could possibly be offered as an amendment to the bill in the Energy and Commerce Committee.
Other Issues Taxonomy-working on this with NASUA nationally. Sent letter to CMS #AIRS_211_LA_COUNTY_TAXONOMY_O F_HUMAN_SERVICES #AIRS_211_LA_COUNTY_TAXONOMY_O F_HUMAN_SERVICES FY 2011 Appropriation Funding for Title IIIB of the OAA (funds for I&R.) Sent a letter of support to the Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee urging a funding increase for IIIB
AIRS is involved in the OAA 2011 Reauthorization Process. Bob Blancato testified at an Administration on Aging listening session in February Asked for better coordination and integration of I&R and services in reauthorization language. Please for the full statement.
Other Items FCC and Broadband 911 Legislation FEMA and Disaster Legislation
Health Care Reform Bill Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)-AIRS could possibly play a role in implementation. Elder Justice Act Extension of ADRCs
Relationship Building We urge you to become involved with AIRS public policy and advocacy. Please visit our public policy page at ageid=3380 or ageid=3380 All politics are local.
Role Play Exercise Volunteers? Capitol Hill Staff Member and YOU an Advocate!