Whats Your Game Plan: Francesca Kranzberg, CIRS Kristin Ankrom, LSW
Empowerment Theory Empowerment – process by which individuals gain power, access to resources and control over their own lives. In doing so they gain the ability to achieve their highest personal goals (Robbins, Chatterjee, & Canda, 1998, p.91).
Self-actualization (personal growth and fulfillment) Esteem (achievement, status, responsibility, reputation) Belongingness & Love (family, affection, relationships, work group, etc.) Safety (protection, security, order, law, etc.) Biological and Physiological (air, food, water, shelter, etc.)
Roles & Strategies Resource Consultant – Links callers to resources to enhance self-esteem and problem solving skills. – Enables the caller to gain independence and control over their lives The Sensitizer helps/allows the caller to recognize and identify their own strengths and the strengths of others As a Teacher you are the manager of the learning process aimed at helping the caller find solutions. Educate the community and other professionals about barriers that families encounter. Cooperator – Caller is the one who is self-determining in achieving self-efficacy and empowerment. Connecting empowered person to others who share common histories, issues, and barriers.
Empower v. Enable EMPOWER – Educate – Provide resources – Advocate – Promote personal responsibility – Consistency – Listen – Validate feelings – Believe in change – Expressing empathy ENABLE – Owning the customers problem – Getting caught up in the cycle of excuses – Ignoring the problem – Not allowing for personal growth – Not addressing barriers/concerns – Expressing sympathy – Failure to recognize personal responsibility and goal attainment
A teaching or training process in which an individual gets support while learning to achieve a specific personal or professional result or goal. – Sometimes called Life Coaching or Personal Coaching, coaching aims to draw out a person's potential rather than impose aims and knowledge from outside. – Coaching develops rather than imposes. – Coaching reflects rather than directs.
Many factors effect successful coaching, including: Motivation Cultural differences Goals Feedback. Control Theory focuses on the last two: goals and feedback.
The basic premise of control theory is that people attempt to control the state of some variable by regulating their own behavior. We often say that something or someone made us feel a certain way. And yet, as we watch people react so differently to the same event, we see with our own eyes that people choose how they feel.
DELTA coaching is an acronym that consists of five main elements 1.(D) Determining cultural values 2.(E) Employing typical coaching techniques 3.(L) Looking and listening for motivational needs and deficiencies 4.(T) Tailoring coaching techniques to motivational needs and cultural values, and 5.(A) Assessing the effectiveness of these.
Employing typical coaching techniques can be broken down into four main elements: 1.a one-on-one relationship, 2.monitoring the coachees performance and other work-relevant behaviors, 3.setting goals based on the behaviors monitored, and 4.providing feedback throughout the relationship. Feedback and feedback interventions are one of the most common and well-known coaching techniques.
Identify what needs to happen - clearly and measurably – in order for the causal factors to happen or exist. It is natural for causal factors to depend on a number of enabling factors. If necessary again research this. Write these factors down and clearly define them, again so that even a stranger could understand them. Attach measures and timings. Then identify if there are any enabling factors which need to happen before this level of enabling factors. If so, add a fourth level and complete the enabling factors accordingly. When you have completed your plan, you can then start to work through the levels - from the bottom to the top.