YEAR 7 Multiple Intelligences approach to curriculum Each person is able to learn All humans are born with eight different intelligences – self smart, picture smart, word smart, body smart, nature smart, people smart, music smart, number smart Each intelligence learns differently Portfolios - showcased each intelligence and was presented at parent-teacher interviews
YEAR 8 Building upon what was done at year 7 Taking it a step further What are your strengths? What areas would you like to work on? What Habits would you like to develop?
HABITS OF MIND Art Costa Research into the behaviour of successful people – the best in their field, e.g. athletes What do they have in common with the way they go about using their minds? Learning to behave more intelligently Came up with 16 habits
THE HABITS OF MIND 1. Persistence 2. Managing impulsivity 3. Listening with empathy & understanding 4. Thinking flexibly 5. Thinking about your thinking: metacognition 6. Striving for accuracy 7. Applying past knowledge 8. Questioning & posing problems
THE HABITS OF MIND 9. Thinking and communicating with clarity & precision 10. Gathering data through all senses 11. Creating, imagining & innovating 12. Responding with wonderment & awe 13. Taking responsible risks 14. Finding humour 15. Thinking interdependently 16. Remaining open to continuous learning
PORTFOLIOS Collection of work Shows effort, growth and achievement Reflecting about learning Self evaluating Setting goals
WHAT CAN BE INCLUDED Tests Oral presentations Worksheets Role plays (digital photos) Journal writing Musical pieces Artwork
TERM 1 Becoming familiar with the Habits of Mind Using Year 7 Multiple Intelligences portfolio to work out strengths and problem areas and to set learning goals for the year Based on goals, students will then select four Habits of Mind – one from each category Cover page of portfolio
Students will show their development in each habit by selecting a minimum of two pieces of work or activities A total of 8 entries – 2 x 4 habits Each piece that is included must come from a different subject
TERMS Complete entries for the habits chosen Portfolio entry sheet for each piece included Portfolios presented by students at parent-teacher interviews Revisit goal setting in term 4 – have you achieved your goals and how?
PASTORAL CARE PERIODS Once a fortnight for one period (during Humanities) Holistic learning Term 1 – Building Community in Homeroom Term 2 – Study & Organisational Skills Term 3 – Relationships Term 4 – Decision Making