MnTC Audit Bingo
MnTC Audit currently sent from ISRS DA Report
MnTC Audit and eTranscript Students MnTC Audit is part of eTranscript Students MnTC Audit is part of eTranscript Campus request electronic Transcript and MnTC Audit. Campus request electronic Transcript and MnTC Audit.
Degree Program Name: EMNTC
Com name: MNTC
Rules: Play individually or as team Play individually or as team When Bingo number reflects your EMNTC encoding, cover the number When Bingo number reflects your EMNTC encoding, cover the number Three in row, or four corners are winners Three in row, or four corners are winners
FREE Separate COM for the EMNTC Separate COM for the EMNTC
C-11 Are you Reporting transfer work? Are you Reporting transfer work? TRLOOKUP unique to EMNTC TRLOOKUP unique to EMNTC ocuments/pdf/number14.pdf ocuments/pdf/number14.pdf ocuments/pdf/number14.pdf ocuments/pdf/number14.pdf
C-11 TRLOOKUP Sub-requirement suppresses all count, hours, and GPA. Only Report InstID prints. TRLOOKUP Sub-requirement suppresses all count, hours, and GPA. Only Report InstID prints.
T-20 Are you substituting INCLTOP message with audit specific information? Are you substituting INCLTOP message with audit specific information? MNTC COM field CLIENTS allows alternative INCLTOP MNTC COM field CLIENTS allows alternative INCLTOP ComCLIENTS.pdf ComCLIENTS.pdf
If your institution certifies completion of the MNTC, do you calculate GPA for all MNTC courses? If your institution certifies completion of the MNTC, do you calculate GPA for all MNTC courses? cuments/pdf/AlternateGPA.pdf cuments/pdf/AlternateGPA.pdfM-26
M-26 Sub-requirement checks for Alternate GPA of transfer courses (TA, TRB, etc.) Sub-requirement checks for Alternate GPA of transfer courses (TA, TRB, etc.)
M-26 Globe Grade Table includes GPA Calculating Grades and non GPA Calculating Grades Globe Grade Table includes GPA Calculating Grades and non GPA Calculating Grades
M-26 If your school does not certify the MnTC, are you noting this on the audit? If your school does not certify the MnTC, are you noting this on the audit?
C-5 Is your EMNTC audit using Reporting options to only display requirements where courses apply? Is your EMNTC audit using Reporting options to only display requirements where courses apply?
T-1 Do you Hide the Select From list in Goal sub-requirements? Do you Hide the Select From list in Goal sub-requirements? Do you Suppress sequence numbers in Goal sub-requirements? Do you Suppress sequence numbers in Goal sub-requirements?
M-29 If your institution certifies completion of the MNTC, do you calculate composite grades in the Alternate GPA? ments/pdf/WeightedAverageGrades.pdf ments/pdf/WeightedAverageGrades.pdf
M-29 Target Universal Passed VARS defines combined unalike grades Target Universal Passed VARS defines combined unalike grades
M-29 Target Grade Definition for VARS is uncalculated Target Grade Definition for VARS is uncalculated
M-29 Calculate composite grades with changes to Calculate composite grades with changes to Target Grade Definition change Target Grade Definition change Globe Grade Table change Globe Grade Table change
M-29 Un-alike grades Un-alike grades
M-29 Uses directly inputted credits and points to produce GPA for composite grade Uses directly inputted credits and points to produce GPA for composite grade
M-6 Are you waiving Goal Areas based on transfer work in the MnTC Audit? Are you waiving Goal Areas based on transfer work in the MnTC Audit? Goal Areas waived in degrees should be waived in MnTC Audit Goal Areas waived in degrees should be waived in MnTC Audit ocuments/pdf/update30.pdf ocuments/pdf/update30.pdf ocuments/pdf/update30.pdf ocuments/pdf/update30.pdf
M-6 Report MnTC courses when waiving Goal Areas Report MnTC courses when waiving Goal Areas
M-17 Do you have a requirement accepting Goal 2 courses? Do you have a requirement accepting Goal 2 courses? When sending institution determines course as Goal 2, course must apply in Goal 2 When sending institution determines course as Goal 2, course must apply in Goal 2
M-17 When Goal 2 is met upon completion of Goals 1-10 and 40 credits When Goal 2 is met upon completion of Goals 1-10 and 40 credits Alternate Goal 2 requirement for Goal 2 courses. Alternate Goal 2 requirement for Goal 2 courses.
M-17 Text requirement for home student Text requirement for home student
M-17 Optional requirement for transfer student Optional requirement for transfer student Hide requirement unless matched Hide requirement unless matched Hide sub-requirement unless course assigned Hide sub-requirement unless course assigned
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