Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Report by the Technical Secretariat V Meeting of Ministers of Education Lenore Yaffee-García, Director Department of Education and Culture November 14-16, 2007 Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Key Ministerial Mandates Education Indicators Education for Democratic Citizenship Early Childhood Education Strengthening the Teaching Professional Literacy Mobilization of resources, political will, alliances with key actors
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Education Indicators We ask the CIE to…: –Monitor the progress made toward achieving the education goals of the Summits of the Americas, paying special attention to country progress on the goals from the Santiago Summit, and also taking into account the goals of the Dakar Framework for Action and those of Millennium Declaration, in particular by promoting analysis, dissemination, and use in decision-making of the information produced by the Regional Educational Indicators Project (PRIE). (Scarborough Declaration)
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Regional Education Indicators Project (PRIE)
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Education for Democratic Citizenship
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Education for Democratic Citizenship We have fulfilled our committment of creating an Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices. We recognize that peace and democracy are necessary conditions for the exercise of fundamental freedoms and for the growth and development of our nations. Declaration of Scarborough
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Research Inter-American Journal Analytical Reports Policy Briefs Professional Development Information Exchange Distance Education Courses on Creating Democratic Classrooms Young Scholar Program Web Portal On-line Bulletins Policy Briefs Seminars and Workshops
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Democracy Education Bulletins
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Early Childhood Development and Education
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Early Childhood Development and Education We recognize the need to broaden the educational structure to include early childhood education because of its positive impact on the quality of education and on the reduction of inequality. »Declaration of Scarborough
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Early Childhood Development and Education CIE Project (Policies, Strategies) –Topics: 0 to 3, Transitions –Research –2 Major International Symposia –Cooperation with organizations, civil society –Web Resources OAS/Van Leer Foundation Project - Rural, Indigenous, Border Communities
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Strengthening the Teaching Profession We recognize the fundamental role of teachers and prioritize their professional development as a key factor for learning and for the development of our societies. We therefore urge the member countries to act jointly to assure the adoption of mechanisms which help countries in the development of teacher capacity and retention. »Declaration of Scarborough
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States INTER-AMERICAN TEACHER EDUCATOR NETWORK
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Literacy We recognize the necessity of working on the high illiteracy rates that exist within our countries in the region, for which we propose to consider a design of a regional program of literacy and ask the OAS to study this possibility.. Declaration of Scarborough 2005
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Mobilization of resources, political will, inter-agency cooperation, and participation of civil society
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Mobilization of Resources OAS Subfund education (Res. 831) OAS FEMCIDI OAS Human Development Fund Foundations NGOs Governments (members, observers) Private sector, Others
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Some CIE Partners International Organizations –UNICEF –Inter-American Institute on Human Rights –UNESCO-OREALC –World Bank –Inter-American Development Bank –Convenio Andrés Bello –The Commonwealth Secretariat –Organization of Iberoamerican States –International Labor Organization (ILO) …and others Research Institutions –Instituto Nacional de Evaluación de la Educación (México) –CIPECC (Argentina) –RTI International –University of Maryland –Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Colombia) –Brunel University, Reino Unido -Universidad of Indiana, Universidad of Toronto, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile -Universidad Central de Chile -University of Trinidad and Tobago -University of West Indies …and others… Civil Society –B Van Leer Foundation –World Links –Inter-American Organization of Higher Education (IOHE-OUI) –PREAL –Center for Civic Education –Conciencia, Argentina –Global Alliance for Justice Education –National (US) Center for Learning and Citizenship –CENDI, Mexico –AMEI –OMEP –Human Rights Education Association HREA, USA …and others…
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Communciations: CIE Website and its Virtual Discussion Forum
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Website, DEC
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Challenges Many Mandates Limited Human and Financial Resources Balancing the Technical, the Political Active Participation of Countries Sustainability of Actions How to Measure Impact
Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Opportunities V Ministerial Meeting –Partnerships –Election CIE authorities, Exec. Cttee. General Assembly 2008 (Colombia) Summit of the Americas 2009 (T&T)