INTER-AMERICAN DEFENSE BOARD Budget Project to the year 2011
CONTENTS I – IADB History II – IADB Structure III - IADB Purpose IV – Budget History V – Personnel History VI – Main Developed Actions VII – 2011 Budget Sumary
IADB History The Inter-American Defense Board (IADB) is an 27- member international forum integrated by national representatives Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad y Tobago, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela. The Inter-American Defense Board (IADB) is an 27- member international forum integrated by national representatives Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad y Tobago, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela. The Inter-American Defense Board was born with the function to deal with the cooperation of the American states in military substances in an international context characterized by the confrontation of the hemispheric states against extra regional threats during World War II. The Inter-American Defense Board was born with the function to deal with the cooperation of the American states in military substances in an international context characterized by the confrontation of the hemispheric states against extra regional threats during World War II. The IADB is the oldest regional military defense organization in the world and exists uninterruptedly since March 30, The IADB is the oldest regional military defense organization in the world and exists uninterruptedly since March 30, 1942.
Article 1.Nature Article 1.Nature 1.1The Inter-American Defense Board (IADB) is an entity of the Organization of American States (OAS) established under the last paragraph of Article 53 of the OAS Charter. 1.1The Inter-American Defense Board (IADB) is an entity of the Organization of American States (OAS) established under the last paragraph of Article 53 of the OAS Charter. Article 9.Organs The IADB shall have the following organs: The IADB shall have the following organs: The Council of Delegates; The Council of Delegates; The Secretariat; and The Secretariat; and The Inter-American Defense College (IADC). The Inter-American Defense College (IADC).
Article 3.Functions Article 3.Functions The IADB shall have the following specific functions: The IADB shall have the following specific functions: a.To provide technical and educational advice and consultancy services on matters related to military and defense issues to: a.To provide technical and educational advice and consultancy services on matters related to military and defense issues to: b.To offer to military officers and civilian officials from the OAS member states, through its Inter-American Defense College in Washington, D.C., advanced academic courses on matters related to military and defense issues, the inter-American system, and related disciplines; b.To offer to military officers and civilian officials from the OAS member states, through its Inter-American Defense College in Washington, D.C., advanced academic courses on matters related to military and defense issues, the inter-American system, and related disciplines; d.To provide OAS member states with technical advisory services on comprehensive mine action in the Hemisphere, including cooperation with the OAS General Secretariat; d.To provide OAS member states with technical advisory services on comprehensive mine action in the Hemisphere, including cooperation with the OAS General Secretariat;
Article 17. SECRETARIAT Article 17. SECRETARIAT Structure and Functions Structure and Functions 17.1 The Secretariat shall be comprised of the General Directorate, the Sub- Secretariat for Advisory Services, and the Sub-Secretariat for Administrative and Conference Services The Secretariat shall be comprised of the General Directorate, the Sub- Secretariat for Advisory Services, and the Sub-Secretariat for Administrative and Conference Services. 17.2The Secretariat shall serve as the permanent administrative organ of the IADB and shall carry out the following functions: 17.2The Secretariat shall serve as the permanent administrative organ of the IADB and shall carry out the following functions: a. Implement resolutions, directives and other decisions of the Council; a. Implement resolutions, directives and other decisions of the Council; b. Prepare the annual program-budget of the IADB and submit it to the Council for approval; b. Prepare the annual program-budget of the IADB and submit it to the Council for approval; h. Administer the financial resources of the IADB and duly account to the Council for same. h. Administer the financial resources of the IADB and duly account to the Council for same. Article 18.General Directorate 18.1The Director General, under the supervision of the Council, is in charge of the General Directorate, shall be the legal representative of the IADB and chief executive officer of the IADB, and shall have the authority to direct and administer the Secretariat to carry out its functions, obligations, and responsibilities. The Director General is directly responsible to the Council and accountable to it for his/her actions.
2010 – REGULAR FUND: REQUESTED - US$ 2,468, APPROVED - US$ 1,456,200.00
The OAS in its budget distribution considers the specific funds received by IADB. However, these features are not guaranteed annually, are almost exclusively from the United States, and are forwarded to specific programs of the IADC. There are no specific funds for the Secretariat. The OAS in its budget distribution considers the specific funds received by IADB. However, these features are not guaranteed annually, are almost exclusively from the United States, and are forwarded to specific programs of the IADC. There are no specific funds for the Secretariat. The OAS building used by IADB – Casa del Soldado - located at th Street, Washington DC, has serious issues with the exterior façade, stair and balcony; widespread water; safety; alarm system and other issues that highlight the deterioration of the building. Approximately 10% of budget is for maintenance and recovery of the building - recovery estimated US$ 2.6M. Repairs have been conducted within means. Projects to source additional funding for building restoration are ongoing. Recovery resources can be distributed over a gradual recovery project of the building. The OAS building used by IADB – Casa del Soldado - located at th Street, Washington DC, has serious issues with the exterior façade, stair and balcony; widespread water; safety; alarm system and other issues that highlight the deterioration of the building. Approximately 10% of budget is for maintenance and recovery of the building - recovery estimated US$ 2.6M. Repairs have been conducted within means. Projects to source additional funding for building restoration are ongoing. Recovery resources can be distributed over a gradual recovery project of the building. Active/retired personnel costs are fixed in operating costs ($653K in 2009) Active/retired personnel costs are fixed in operating costs ($653K in 2009) IADB Historical Limitations
Due to lower budgets, the Board dramatically reduced its civilian work force from 87 civilians in 1987 to 6 civilians in The lack of civilian personnel degrades institutional memory and program continuity. The administration has reduced expenses and personnel costs to minimal levels and further reductions may compromise the organizations ability to perform its mission.
MAIN DEVELOPED ACTIONS Report On The Fulfillment Of The Plan Of Goals And Objectives (2008 – 2016) Report On The Fulfillment Of The Plan Of Goals And Objectives (2008 – 2016) Evolution of Traditional Activities Evolution of Traditional Activities Evolution of Non-Traditional Activities Evolution of Non-Traditional Activities
REPORT ON THE FULFILLMENT OF THE PLAN OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES (2008 – 2016) The Chairman of the Goals and Objectives Committee presented the Report of the Committee to the Council of Delegates during Meeting 1293, in December The Chairman of the Goals and Objectives Committee presented the Report of the Committee to the Council of Delegates during Meeting 1293, in December Among the Recommendations in this Report, it was established that during Meeting 1294 the Report on the Fulfillment of the IADB Plan of Goals and Objectives for in accordance with the Motion presented by the Chairman of the Council of Delegates. Among the Recommendations in this Report, it was established that during Meeting 1294 the Report on the Fulfillment of the IADB Plan of Goals and Objectives for in accordance with the Motion presented by the Chairman of the Council of Delegates. The Report contains the main activities developed to comply with the Plan of Goals and Objectives. The Report contains the main activities developed to comply with the Plan of Goals and Objectives.
OBJECTIVE 1 To consolidate and project the role of the IADB as an OAS entity, before its political officials and Member Nations and to continue to offer technical and consultative advisory services on matters related to military and defense issues, according to its Statute. To consolidate and project the role of the IADB as an OAS entity, before its political officials and Member Nations and to continue to offer technical and consultative advisory services on matters related to military and defense issues, according to its Statute. OBJECTIVE 2 Consolidate the Inter-American Defense College as a dynamic institution and of high academic standards in the hemisphere in matters related to military and defense issues, the Inter-American system and related topics. Consolidate the Inter-American Defense College as a dynamic institution and of high academic standards in the hemisphere in matters related to military and defense issues, the Inter-American system and related topics. OBJECTIVE 3 Adapt the organizational structure of the IADB to increase their internal management level and to have the necessary human and financial resources, to efficiently fulfill the assigned tasks by the Council of Delegates and the functions defined in its Statute. Adapt the organizational structure of the IADB to increase their internal management level and to have the necessary human and financial resources, to efficiently fulfill the assigned tasks by the Council of Delegates and the functions defined in its Statute.
Evolution of Traditional Activities COUNCIL OF DELEGATES ACTIVITIESCOUNCIL OF DELEGATES ACTIVITIES Creation of Small States and Humanitarian Aid WGsCreation of Small States and Humanitarian Aid WGs Expansion of Observer States and non-Member ActsExpansion of Observer States and non-Member Acts SECRETARIAT ACTIVITIESSECRETARIAT ACTIVITIES CBSM: Increased Participation, White Paper WorkshopCBSM: Increased Participation, White Paper Workshop Humanitarian Aid: SUMA Course, PAHO SupportHumanitarian Aid: SUMA Course, PAHO Support Humanitarian Demining: Progress in Three MissionsHumanitarian Demining: Progress in Three Missions Official OAS link with Conference of American ArmiesOfficial OAS link with Conference of American Armies Increased input in CAA, CNI, and other regional eventsIncreased input in CAA, CNI, and other regional events Exercises and conference outputsExercises and conference outputs INTER-AMERICAN DEFENSE COLLEGE ACTIVITIESINTER-AMERICAN DEFENSE COLLEGE ACTIVITIES Curriculum and other initiativesCurriculum and other initiatives
Evolution of Non-Traditional Activities Facilitate OAS Leadership in Inter-American Disaster SystemFacilitate OAS Leadership in Inter-American Disaster System Situation Room, OAS Trip to Haiti SupportSituation Room, OAS Trip to Haiti Support CDMA (Conference of Defense Ministers of the Americas):CDMA (Conference of Defense Ministers of the Americas): Development of the website and institutional memoryDevelopment of the website and institutional memory Increased interaction with Inter-American SystemIncreased interaction with Inter-American System White Paper Workshops and Broadening ConceptsWhite Paper Workshops and Broadening Concepts Effective Interaction in the Inter-American SystemEffective Interaction in the Inter-American System New Links with OAS Entities and UNHCR, COJUMA, …New Links with OAS Entities and UNHCR, COJUMA, … International Law support to OAS and Inter-American SystemInternational Law support to OAS and Inter-American System Humanitarian, Human Rights, and Refugee LawHumanitarian, Human Rights, and Refugee Law
THE BUDGET THE BUDGET The Council of delegates approved the motion presented by the Director- General during the day meeting September 2009, creating the Commission Budget for and examine the IADB's budget project to the year The Council of delegates approved the motion presented by the Director- General during the day meeting September 2009, creating the Commission Budget for and examine the IADB's budget project to the year The Secretariat submitted to the Commission of the budget for the year 2011 has been examined by the Commission. The Secretariat submitted to the Commission of the budget for the year 2011 has been examined by the Commission. In preparing the budget for the year 2011 the Secretariat considered the Plan Goals and Objectives for approved by the Council of Delegates. To quantify the budget requirements for the goals and objectives, Secretariat established 06 different types of expenses distributed by 09 actions to be developed to achieve the proposed objectives and goals. In preparing the budget for the year 2011 the Secretariat considered the Plan Goals and Objectives for approved by the Council of Delegates. To quantify the budget requirements for the goals and objectives, Secretariat established 06 different types of expenses distributed by 09 actions to be developed to achieve the proposed objectives and goals.
TYPES OF EXPENSES: 1 – PERSONNEL – expenses with the payment of active and inactive civil personnel; 2– CONTRACTS – expenses with the payment of service contracts; 3 – DOCUMENTS - costs by with the payment of expenses on the production of documentation produced in the framework of the IADB, included expenses with translation and interpretation; 4 – EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL – expenses with the maintenance of equipment and purchase of equipment for the operation of the IADB; 5 – BUILDING – expenses with the operation and maintenance of buildings of the IADB – House of Soldier and IADC; and 6 – OTHERS – expenses related to the activities of the Presidency of the IADB, the SSAS and Direction of the IADC.