Nature of the participation of the GS/OAS in the RIAC Department of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism Executive Secretariat for Integral Development Washington, D.C. March 28,
Outline 1) Role of the GS/OAS in the RIAC 2) Options under the RIAC: Technical Secretariat, Participating Organization, Observer 3) Implications 2
The Roadmap of the RIAC The RIAC is not a mandate of the political bodies of the OAS. It is a forum that facilitates the fulfillment of the mandates of the GS/OAS as established by the OAS political bodies. 3
The Roadmap of the RIAC The support of OAS Member States is fundamental for the GS/OAS: – To carry out existing mandates on competitiveness – To enhance the ability to coordinate with other international organizations – To improve the capacity to fundraise specific funds and improve collaboration opportunities 4 What are we asking from CEPCIDI? Define the character of the participation of the GS/OAS in the RIAC. The options include: * Technical Secretariat * Participating Organization * Observer
Categories of Participation under the RIAC 1) TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT UNDER THE RIAC – To foster dialogue and facilitate communication among the authorities, councils, and international organizations that are members of the Network. – Provide support to the Chair of RIAC, currently the Dominican Republic (Colombia in 2012, and eventually Panama in 2013), to coordinate with representatives of participating countries and international organizations. – Facilitate the implementation of pending tasks established in the annual work plan and assistance to follow up initiatives and projects. 1)Technical Secretariat 2)Participating Organization 3)Observer
Categories of Participation under the RIAC – Participate in the activities of the RIAC. – Support with financial and/or technical resources the design and implementation of cooperation activities dealing with competitiveness, productivity, and innovation among Member countries of the RIAC. – Develop and/or finance studies, compilation of best practices and other materials of interest for the member countries of the RIAC. 2) PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATION UNDER THE RIAC 3) OBSERVER UNDER THE RIAC - Attend RIACs activities without a direct role on initiatives, projects or public policy dialogues.
Categories of Participation under the RIAC Options Categories of Participation under the RIAC ObserverParticipating OrganizationTechnical Secretariat Attending Meetings xxx Participating in Meetings xx Support with financial and/or technical resources the design and implementation of multinational cooperation activities xx Support the Chair of RIAC in the management of the activities of the RIAC x Promote dialogue and facilitate communication among authorities, councils and international organizations x Facilitate the implementation of tasks according to the work plan and support the follow up of meetings, initiatives and projects developed by RIAC x Categories of Participation under the RIAC
OAS IDB ECLAC CAF CABEI OAS IDB CAF CABEI ECLAC Options Technical Secretariat for RIAC: Coverage of international organizations in the Americas 8
Implications of the Participation of the GS/OAS in the RIAC 1)Capacity to convene and promote public policy dialogue in the Americas. 2)Long-term institutional stability for a hemispheric-wide forum. 3)Experience as Secretariat supporting Inter-American high-level meetings, networks, public policy dialogues. 4)Experience in the implementation of institutional capacity building activities, multinational cooperation projects and training programs in several areas related to competitiveness. What can the GS/OAS provide in the context of the RIAC?
1)Facilitates the fulfillment of the mandates established by the OAS political bodies on competitiveness. 2) Represents an opportunity to coordinate efforts with governments and other international organizations. This creates synergies, avoids duplication of efforts, and optimizes human and financial resources. 3) Identify new opportunities for collaboration and resources to support initiatives to improve competitiveness, productivity, and innovation. 4) The role of Technical Secretariat for SEDI does not imply the use of additional resources from the regular fund. 10 Implications of the Participation of the GS/OAS in the RIAC The Participation of the GS/OAS in the RIAC: