Using Intelligence led policing as a model to Prioritize Organized Crime Investigations – A Canadian Perspective
Included Topics The Canadian strategy Tools Integrated policing Major case management DAT – impact of investigations Highlighting – joint Canada/US T/A Public education
Law Enforcement Priorities Canadian Law Enforcement Strategy to Combat O/C Assign Priorities Municipal/Regional Provincial National Intelligence Practices Priorities Analysis Intelligence information Law Enforcement Priorities National Regional/Provincial Local/Municipal Assign Priorities Municipal/Regional Provincial National Results
Strategy to Combat O/C Targeted Policing Intelligence - Led policing Targeted Policing CISC Governing Body Recommended Organized Crime Priorities Provide enforcement priority advice to enforcement community Police services Federal enforcement entities Joint force operations Threat assessment Intelligence Analysis CISC (ACIIS) Intelligence information
TOOLS TO ASSIST PRIORITY SETTING SLEIPNIR framework for setting priorities HARM PRIORITIZATION SCALE Identifying the most harmful criminal activities
SLEIPNIR Sleipnir is a threat-measurement technique developed by the RCMP which uses a rank-ordered set of attributes to compare organized groups of criminals Sleipnir provides a threat measurement technique for strategic intelligence analysis and enables analysts to assess the relative threat posed by organized criminal groups to Canadian society This technique produces a framework for setting priorities by comparing the groups’ capabilities, limitations, and vulnerabilities. The matrix is the basis for systematically comparing groups in order to present and explain the relative threat they pose. Note: The RCMP designated the project name as "Sleipnir" in reference to the eight-legged horse belonging to Odin in Old Norse mythology.
ORGANIZED CRIME IN CANADA. 1999 10 15 B C D E F G H I J K L M CORRUPTION ORGANIZED CRIME IN CANADA. 1999 10 15 VIOLENCE INFILTRATION EXPERTISE SOPHISTICATION SUBVERSION RANK-ORDERED MATRIX OF THIRTEEN SIGNIFICANT GROUPS STRATEGY DISCIPLINE INSULATION INTELLIGENCE GATHERING MULTIPLE ENTERPRISES MOBILITY STABILITY SCOPE The values for each group are provided by the responsible analysts, based on the information provided by the divisions. Fleshed out in t/a Matrix is skeleton of the strategic intelligence analyst describing and assessing each group. - groups rank ordered by their capability and their activity in Canada for level of threat they pose to Canada and Canadians - attributes in order of importance - each attribute is defined, and has five possible values, - values for attributes color coded Note: This matrix highlights the 13 most significant oc groups at the time. The process is repeated over the years to see if our operations are degrading the oc group’s capabilities. MONOPOLY HIGH GROUP COHESIVENESS MEDIUM CONTINUITY LOW LINKS TO OTHER ORGANIZED CRIME NIL LINKS TO CRIMINAL EXTREMISTS UNKNOWN RCMP CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORATE
NOTE: The four columns drop in one at a time, you have to push the mouse to drop each one individually (click mouse twice) This chart shows a single chapter of a major OC group over a period of four years. (click mouse) A major operation resulted in the arrests of all the key members in the spring of 2001. Despite this major disruption to their criminal activities, the 2001 profile shows their continued strength as a group (Discipline, Stability, Group Cohesiveness, Continuity of membership) and we predicted that the group would not disband, but would instead rebound as they adapted to the new circumstances. (click mouse) The 2002 profile shows this rebound in progress, despite the continued imprisonment of all the key members.
Harm Prioritization Scale (HPS) HPS is a harm measurement technique developed by the RCMP which identifies the most harmful criminal activities undertaken by organized crime groups. HPS provides managers with a clearer picture to prioritize enforcement actions on the organized crime groups causing the most harms to our communities. HPS is a statistical model which combines harms and criminal activities to produce a prioritized list identifying the most harmful criminal activity to the least harmful criminal activity in a given community HPS permits law enforcement to make more informed decisions to maximize targeting of criminals The five harms identified are; Environmental, Health & Safety, Personal, Economic & financial harms to government & Financial harms – Personal and Business
INTEGRATED POLICING RCMP Provincial Law Enforcement Agencies Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies Canada Border Service Agency Citizenship and Immigration Canada Revenue Canada Agency Proceeds of Crime Units Forensic Accounting Management Directorate Provincial Crown Prosecutor’s Office Federal Crown Prosecutor’s Office
MAJOR CASE MANAGEMENT What is it? A methodology and a philosophy that is used to manage a major case. It promotes accountability and responsibility
MAJOR CASE MANAGEMENT Contd. How do we use it? A simple and consistent methodology that is initiated at the beginning of all major cases. (Includes a consistent filing system, tasking, functions) What is a major case? An investigation that goes beyond the normal delivery of a police service. (ie. homicide, multiple victim sexual assault, complex drug investigation, major accidents & disasters) Critical Aspects of MCM •Supervision •Organization: investigation planning, information flow, task organization. •Resource Utilization: personnel selection, resource allocation and management. Promotes ACCOUNTABILITY & RESPONSIBILITY •Everyone knows their specific role as well as everyone else's. •Everyone is responsible for a specific role/function and accountable to each other. The Team Commander, File Coordinator & Primary Investigator form the Command Triangle that controls the Flow-Speed-Direction of an investigation. Decisions are made in consultation with entire team. Authority/chain of command is clearly defined and selection for specific roles/functions are based on qualifications and experience. These roles include; •Field Investigator •Media Liaison •Interviewer •Data Input •Search Warrant Coordinator/Affiant •Surveillance Coordinator •Exhibit Officer
The Disruption Attributes Tool (DAT) What is it? A way of measuring our investigative impact on organized crime What is the value? the DAT enables us to measure the effectiveness of the disruptions based on three attributes of organized crime groups: Core Business, Financial, and Personal In the last few years, law enforcement agencies have been struggling to identify their impact against targeted organized crime groups. In other words, identifying and reporting the effectiveness of operational disruptions has been a miss and as a result it remains unclear if law enforcement is having an impact against organized crime. Previously, law enforcement agencies would signify disruptions by simply counting arrests made, drugs seized, warrants executed and searches undertaken; thereby measuring the efficiencies of the disruptions and not the actual impacts made to organized crime groups. A DAT is submitted for each disruption that has occurred on any organized crime project (immediately after the disruption has taken place). The lead investigator of each organized crime project is responsible for completing and submitting the DAT form to the Divisional CrOps Reviewer for review and analysis. Once review and analysis is complete, the CrOps Reviewer submits the completed form to HQ. The information is then compiled to provide a national comprehensive picture of the impact we have had on targeted organized crime groups and quarterly reported to all Divisions and Officers.
Prioritizing Transnational Criminal Organizations, an Example of International Cooperation Cross Border Crime Forum Drugs & Organized Crime Sub Group Joint Canada/US threat assessment on transnational organized crime 2006 (RCMP, DEA & FBI) Cross training of Analysts Canadian operations model utilized including SLEIPNIR Public version Through the Cross Border Crime Forum, the Drugs and Organized Crime Sub Group completed a joint Canada/US threat assessment on organized crime (2006). The agencies involved were the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), The Drug Enforcement Administration and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This threat assessment prioritizes organized crime groups for joint investigation. This is the first joint Canada/US threat assessment on transnational organized crime that used a singular methodology to prioritize OC groups. Along with the classified threat assessment a vetted public version is available on the RCMP and Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness web sites. The public version provides insight into commodities and criminal markets in addition to an overview of organized crime groups operating in North America. Public education on the pervasiveness of organized crime in Canada and the United States is an important tool to raise awareness OPTIONAL CBCF BACKGROUND: In April 1997, the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada agreed to establish a bilateral consultative mechanism to address cross border crime issues. The Cross Border Crime Forum (CBCF), led by the Minister of Public Safety Canada and the Attorney General of the United States, held it’s first meeting September 1997 in Ottawa.
Public Education The RCMP Drugs & Organized Crime Awareness Service Vision: To make the Canadian public a significant partner of Canadian law enforcement in order to effectively combat and reduce the effects of Organized Crime in Canada. That all law enforcement officers understand their role in the fight against Organized Crime and how their daily law enforcement activities directly impact upon Organized Crime’s ability to function successfully The Drugs & Organized Crime Branch views the necessity for a National Drugs & Organized Crime Awareness Service as a natural extension of existing law enforcement initiatives currently used by the RCMP and other law enforcement agencies to combat organized crime in an effective manner. Millions of dollars are expended annually by Governments at all levels, to combat the effects of Organized Crime. The RCMP Drugs & Organized Crime Branch educates both law enforcement officers and the Canadian public about the very real and substantial effects of Organized Crime on their personal and professional lives. How does Organized Crime impact Canadians? threats to public health and safety through faulty counterfeit goods (drugs/electrical devices) drug-related violence & motorcycle and street gang turf wars (innocent victims) higher automobile insurance premiums resulting from organized car thefts massive tax revenue losses from contraband alcohol and tobacco (taxes diverted which support health care/government services) economic fraud (stock market manipulation) higher costs for products & services (banks, insurance companies, hydro & taxes) toxic waste dumping (environmental damage) •These are just some examples....organized crime affects everyone! Public education is an effective way to reduce victimization….
Conclusion Using Intelligence led policing as a model to Prioritize Organized Crime Investigations SLEIPNIR & Harm Prioritization Scale Tools Integrated investigative units The ability to report to government on the effectiveness of our investigations Education & awareness Canada has adopted an intelligence led, integrated methodology to maximize resources. The tools such as “SLEIPNIR” and the “HARM PRIORITIZATION SCALE” help us determine the priority organized crime groups to investigate. Reporting to government on our investigative effectiveness is critical to maintaining resources. The Disruption Attributes Tool helps us to measure our policing efforts on organized crime investigations. Finally, education & awareness on organized crime is an investment in reducing the impact of organized crime on Canadians Thank you
PROJECT COLISÉE An example of an international policing action targeting organized crime Countries included; Canada, United States, Venezuela, Italy, Haiti and others
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