Careers Service 1 Finding an internship or work experience Dr. Tracy Bussoli
Careers Service 2 What is an internship? One website’s definition: “An internship is a career-related experience intended to expose you to a field of interest while offering you the ability to acquire professional experience.”
Careers Service 3 What’s in it for you? Great material for your CV/application forms Chance to develop transferable skills Opportunity to discover whether a particular field is right for you ‘Networking’ opportunities
Careers Service 4 What's in it for them? Extra pairs of hands in the summer holiday period? PR purposes Extended interview process Try before they buy?
Careers Service 5 When to apply Most internships offered during summer (6-12 weeks) October – February of penultimate year Occasionally Easter/Christmas placements
Careers Service 6 How to find an internship Careers publications at Careers Service –Vacation Opportunities booklet –Hobsons GET directory –Target series for relevant sector –JobOnline –The Careers Group online vacancies Check employers websites Speculative applications Networking Careers Fairs
Careers Service 7 How to find vacation work Local and national press JobCentre Agencies (Recruitment Employment Confed)
Careers Service 8 Careers Service Positive: Build your awareness of employers and job roles Get help with applications and interviews Do your research Identify your skills and match them to an employer Negative: They can not place you in a job
Careers Service 9 Careers Fairs Positive: Build your awareness of employers and job roles Meet employers and ask them questions Do your research and make a good impression Negative: They may not accept applications on the day They could be busy and not have much time for you.
Careers Service 10 Employer Directories Positive: Build your awareness of employers and job roles Use information as a basis for further research Sector specific guides have targeted information Negative: Does not contain information about smaller companies or cover all job roles.
Careers Service 11 Job Centres Positive : Wide range of jobs Good for local jobs Negative : May not have so much focus on graduates
Careers Service 12 Job Websites Positive Easily accessible, good search functions Large number of websites -specialist for specific jobs - general for awareness of employers and job roles Negative Competition can be high Time consuming
Careers Service 13 Journals Positive: Useful for researching the sector and keeping up-to-date with issues/news Targeted to each sector Negative Some jobs advertised will be for more experienced hires Can be expensive if you want to buy your own copies
Careers Service 14 Networking Positive: Build your awareness of employers and job roles Provides opportunity to sell yourself Up to 60% of vacancies are never advertised! Negative: Can be daunting and takes confidence and persistence Some may find it difficult to know how & where to start
Careers Service 15 Newspapers Positive Vacancy sections often available online Local/regional papers better for part-time / stepping stone jobs Different papers advertise certain types of jobs on different days e.g. Guardian arts jobs on Mondays Negative Can be competitive. Estimated success rate - National newspaper 7% local newspaper 5 – 24%
Careers Service 16 Recruitment Agencies Positive: May have a large number of vacancies available May have more immediate starts Gets you experience whilst looking for other jobs Specialist agencies available check Negative: There is no guarantee they will find you work Competition can be high
Careers Service 17 Speculative Applications Positive: Shows initiative and determination Vacancies may not always be advertised (up to 60%) Use to promote your circumstances effectively Research company well. Give follow up call Negative: They may not be recruiting Can be time consuming
Careers Service 18 No internship? “All work experience is of value and, if those going into it are sufficiently well advised, much can be gained from even apparently mundane jobs”. (Association of Graduate Recruiters)
Careers Service 19 Top Tips Don’t rely on one method. Use a variety to increase your chances. Use a targeted approach. Research the employer. Tailor your application for what they are looking for. Get to know your sector. Be prepared for rejection. Be persistent – keep trying. Make the most of your time. Volunteer etc (DO-IT) Re-evaluate. Are you being realistic?
Careers Service 20 Queen Mary Careers Service WG3 Queens Building – Opening times: Monday-Thursday10.30am-5pm Friday10.30am-4pm Drop-in sessions: Monday-Thursday10.30am-12.30pm 2.00pm-4.30pm Part of