OAS Quarterly Resource Management Report September 30, 2011 Secretariat for Administration and Finance
Format has been upgraded for enhanced readability. – Section I Comprehensive Management Guide Expanded Executive Summary Enhanced Graphic Presentation – Section II No modifications – Section III Financial Statements and Reports Lengthy printed tables replaced with Index with hyperlinks to specific charts and tables INTRODUCTION
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Regular Fund Of the 2011 approved RF budget of USD 85.3 million, GS/OAS has executed USD 84.5 million (99.1%) as of September 2011 plus supplementary appropriations and Americas Magazine of USD 0.4 million. Execution in 2011 was 4.4% higher than the same period in 2010 (USD 88.2 million), primarily due to termination costs. Income to the RF was USD 62.0 million, while obligations and expenses equaled USD 84.9 million. This provides a deficit balance of USD 22.9 million at the end of September. Quota balances due totaled USD 21.6 million, compared to USD 13.1 million in September 2010 Remaining deficit will be covered by fourth quarter miscellaneous income Summary Statement of Changes in Fund Balance
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Indirect Cost Recovery Through September 2011, ICR income was USD 5.0 million. Expenditures were USD 5.4 million and there was a temporary transfer of USD 1.1 million to RF, resulting in an operating deficit of USD 1.5 million. The ending Cash Balance for ICR (excluding October obligations) was USD 0.8 million at the end of September, compared to USD 1.4 million in September In addition the ICR account recorded obligations through October of USD 0.8 million (for October expenses). Summary Statement of Changes in Fund Balance
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Specific Funds Through September 2011, Specific Funds income was USD 46.2 million, about USD 6.3 million more than previous year. However, projections show that income through the end of 2011 would reach USD 58.8 million, compared to USD 73.9 million at the end of Based on projections for 2011, Specific Fund income indicates a three-year downward trend. With outflows in Specific Funds of USD 55.5 million, there was a net reduction in Fund Balance of USD 9.3 million, leaving a Fund Balance of USD 72.5 million. Summary Statement of Changes in Fund Balance
Quotas Receivable - September FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS
Liquidity Projection