1 OAS Quarterly Resource Management Report June 30, 2012 Secretariat for Administration and Finance
2 Whats new in this Quarterly Report – Section I Additional Activities and Efficiencies: SLA (p.44) Additional Activities and Efficiencies: SMS (p.44) INTRODUCTION
3 (in millions of USD) 2012 Approved Budget Projected Income to Finance Budget83.8* Projected Execution Reduction(1.5) * Includes payment plans for all arrears > $100k and reduction of ICR subsidy to RF 2012 projected income is estimated at $1.5 million below the approved budget; 2012 execution will be adjusted downward in order to align execution with projected income.
4 REGULAR FUND RESERVE PROJECTION Reserve Fund Balance Scenarios (1) Scenario B: Fund balance deficit equal Quota Receivables at year-end (2) Includes transfer of USD 1.5 million from ICR. Full Budgetary Execution Modified Budgetary Execution ActualScenario A Scenario B (1) (in millions of USD)30-Jun Dec-12 Fund Balance 1-JAN-2012(2.9) Plus: Income (2)' 83.8 (2)' Less: Expenses & Obligations Fund Balance(31.7)(4.4)(2.8)
5 ICR OVERVIEW AND PROJECTION ICR Statement of Changes in Fund Balance (1) Includes transfer of USD 1.5 million to Regular Fund.
6 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Specific Funds Income for Specific Funds *Information as of July 31, 2012 is USD 32.0 million in contributions. Most Significant Amounts Received in Specific Funds From January 1, 2012 to June 30, 2012
7 Quotas: Assessment vs. Payment (as of June) FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Quotas: Outstanding Balances (as of June)
10 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Cash Flow Challenges Beginning Cash Balance = $0.6 million Projected 2012 Cash Flow Inflows = $81.9 million Projected 2012 Cash Flow Outflows = $82.3 million 2012 Ending Cash Balance = ($ 0.2) million Cash Flow shortage projected to start in October
11 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Liquidity Pattern in 2012