Meeting National and Regional Development and Security Needs with UNSCR 1540 Assistance Permanent Council of the Organization of American States Committee on Hemispheric Security January 17, 2013 Johan Bergenäs Deputy Director Managing Across Boundaries Stimson Center
Stimson Center Stimson Nonprofit security think tank Focus areas: -Strengthening institutions for international peace and security -Building regional security -Reducing proliferation of WMD and other transnational threats Managing Across Boundaries Initiative
Stimson and UNSCR 1540 Global priorities Global terrorism WMD Nonproliferation, such as UNSCR 1540 National regional focuses Drug and arms trade Criminality Youth gangs Economic development
Dual Benefit Assistance border security WMD proliferation and to counter the threat from non-state actorscombats the drug and conventional arms trade Assistance provided to enhance border security to prevent WMD proliferation and to counter the threat from non-state actors also combats the drug and conventional arms trade strategic trade controls efficiencies at transit hubs trade expansion business development Assistance with strategic trade controls promotes efficiencies at transit hubs that in turn facilitates trade expansion and business development biological weapons functional disease surveillance networkpublic health infrastructure International Health Regulations (2005) Detecting and responding to biological weapons requires a functional disease surveillance network and a public health infrastructure, which supports national public health capacity and adherence to International Health Regulations (2005)
UNSCR 1540 as a Platform for Dual Benefit Assistance
Building Partnerships for Success
Success Stories: the Caribbean Key Challenges: 9/11 as a game-changer How to move from a tourist- to trade- based economy Trafficking Dual benefit model operationalized: Caribbean states went from submitting 0 to submitting 14 reports to the UN 1540 Committee detailing steps taken, steps to be taken, and where assistance is needed Appointment of 1540 Coordinator to assist in bridging the gap between 1540 and national/regional priorities Completion of legal gap analysis Capacity building workshops and seminars Government of Canada funded biological surveillance lab benefitting all CARICOM countries OPCW training programs in chemical emergency management and first response systems Proven that taking steps to implement 1540 is not a burden, but an opportunity to acquire assistance vis-à-vis higher priority needs
Central America SICA appointment of full- time regional 1540 coordinator to assist members with reporting, devising national implementation strategies, and identifying novel streams of assistance to meet in- country needs Awareness raising seminars
Andean Region 2012, Canadian respond to Colombian 1540 request for training of police and specialized security personnel Forthcoming programming in the region
East Africa Border Security Action Plan Development through security Capacity shortfalls 1540 request to backfill shortfalls Dual benefit assistance East Africa Amb. Oching Adala, Africa Peace Forum
Future Initiatives Andean region Working with countries in the region to build strategies to acquire dual benefit assistance: -Border security -Maritime security -Port security -Public health -Legal assistance -etc. Caribbean Work with governments, CARICOM, OAS, UNODA, other multilateral organizations to organize conference Trade Efficiency and Security Capacity Building in the Caribbean: Satisfying Port, Border, Maritime and Infrastructure Needs for further National and International Security and Economic Development -Cover national and regional implementation strategies -Initiate pilot capacity building projects
Thank You Johan Bergenäs Deputy Director Managing Across Boundaries Stimson Center (w)