Progress Report CIDES Work Plan 2008 - 2010 Department of Social Development and Employment OAS April 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Progress Report CIDES Work Plan Department of Social Development and Employment OAS April 2010

I Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Social Development Reñaca Communiqué Reñaca Communiqué CIDES Work Plan CIDES Work Plan

Reñaca present at the V Summit of the Americas Commitment of Port of Spain Paragraph 9 Paragraph 10

Chile Supports the Inter-American Social Protection Network (IASPN) Permanent Council of the OAS, June 2009

IASPN Launch New York, September 22, 2009

IASPN: Post-Launch Activities Dissemination Dissemination Social protection and employment Social protection and employment Horizontal cooperation modalities Horizontal cooperation modalities Public-private partnerships Public-private partnerships Integration of the Puente in the Caribbean Program Integration of the Puente in the Caribbean Program

Puente in the Caribbean: Main activities Regional Conference Trinidad & Tobago, 2008 Internship in Chile, October 2009 Incorporation of 4 countries, St. Lucia, 2009 World Bank agreement Portal of the Americas agreement Educational materials Dissemination

Intersectoral Strategies for Employment XVI IACML, Argentina, October 2009 Intersectoriality, employment and vulnerable populations Colombia, October 2009 Seminar on social protection and employment Brazil, September 2010 Agreement between OAS/ILO/ECLAC

Food and Nutrition Security The nutritional dimension in the social protection networks of Central America and the Dominican Republic The nutritional dimension in the social protection networks of Central America and the Dominican Republic Food and nutrition security in the Caribbean Basin Food and nutrition security in the Caribbean Basin

Institutionality of Social Policies: Launching of the book on social guarantees World Bank, September 2009

Financing Activity – Program Donor Allocated funds (US$) Inter-American Social Protection Network United States 841,000 Puente in the Caribbean Chile 200,000 CIDA - Canada 324,068 World Bank 75,000 75,000 Food and nutrition security Colombia 60,000 60,000 Intersectoral seminar on employment and income generation policies for vulnerable populations China 47,000 47,000 Colombia 25,000 25,000 TOTAL1,547,068

Main Achievements Political support at the highest level: V Summit of the Americas Political support at the highest level: V Summit of the Americas Inter-American Social Protection Network Inter-American Social Protection Network Intersectoral approach to address employment Intersectoral approach to address employment

Continuation of themes from Cali Inter-American Social Protection Network: Implementation Inter-American Social Protection Network: Implementation Job creation for vulnerable populations Job creation for vulnerable populations Food and nutritional security Food and nutritional security