Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Budget Proposal 2013 Presentation before the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs October 5, 2012
2 Principal Function of the IACHR Charter of the OAS (Art. 106) promote protection There shall be an Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, whose principal function shall be to promote the observance and the protection of human rights and to serve as a consultative organ of the Organization in these matters. (Universal mandate)
3 IACHR Strategic Plan 2011/ Priorities Advice to Member States Individual petition system Monitor country situations Thematic topics Other promotional activities
4 Promotional Activities 2011 These include: external training activities (meetings, workshops, seminars) fellows and 35 interns 7 7 thematic visits of Rapporteurs reports from Rapporteurships
5 Reports from Rapporteurships 2011
6 Individual Petition System ,134 6,134 petitions pending initial evaluation 1,645 1,645 cases in process (admissibility and merits) compliance with recommendations and friendly settlement agreements new petitions and 422 new requests for precaurionary measures
7 1,077 1,077 decisions on initial evaluation (to process or not) admissibility reports and 11 reports on inadmissibility cases archived 8 8 reports on friendly settlement reports on the merit cases submitted to the Court Decisions in Individual Petition System 2011
8 IACHR Organizational Chart
9 Human Resources of the IACHR
Financial Resources
11 Strengthening of the Inter-American System on Human Rights General Assembly: (last 8 years) Priorities set by Member States in the following resolutions: AG/RES (XLII-O/12) The report of the Special Working Group for the Strengthening of the Inter- American Human Rights System, recommends: Gradually increase the resources allocated to the IACHR bodies from the OAS Regular Fund according to the needs and priorities identified by the same organs and by the States AG/RES (XLI-O/11) AG/RES (XL-O/10) AG/RES (XXXIX-O/09) AG/RES (XXXVIII-O/08) AG/RES (XXXVII-O/07) AG/RES (XXXVI-O/06) AG/RES (XXXV-O/05)
12 Budget Allocation by Program OAS Regular Fund
13 Evolution of Approved Regular Fund and Specific Funds Received by the IACHR (%) * Specific funds received up to July 31, 2012.
14 * Specific funds received up to July 31, Evolution of Approved Regular Fund and Specific Funds Received by the IACHR
15 Specific Fund Contributions Received by the IACHR in 2011
16 Execution by Type of Expenditure 2011 Execution by Type of Expenditure 2011 (in thousands of USD) Notes: - Information certified by the Department of Financial and Administrative Management Services. - Execution includes expenditures and obligations of regular and specific funds as of December 31, Execution of specific funds includes funds received during 2011 and previous years. - Other costs include courier, conference services, local area network (LAN), telephone and transportation. - Service contracts include other conference services, honorarium, special services to Commissioners, interpretation, translation, and administrative and professional support.
17 Execution by Type of Expenditure Regular Fund 2011 Execution by Type of Expenditure Regular Fund 2011 (in thousands of USD) Notes: - Information certified by the Department of Financial and Administrative Management Services. - Execution includes expenditures and obligations of regular and specific funds as of December 31, Other costs include courier, conference services, local area network (LAN), telephone and transportation. - Service contracts include other conference services, honorarium, special services to Commissioners, interpretation, translation, and administrative and professional support.
18 Execution by Type of Expenditure Specific Funds 2011 Execution by Type of Expenditure Specific Funds 2011 (in thousands of USD) Notes: - Execution includes expenditures and obligations of regular and specific funds as of December 31, Execution of specific funds includes funds received during 2011 and previous years. - Other costs include courier, conference services, local area network (LAN), telephone and transportation. - Service contracts include other conference services, honorarium, special services to Commissioners, interpretation, translation, and administrative and professional support.
19 Projected Increase in the Regular Fund Allocation to the IACHR for 2013 $4,779,700 (2012) $5,279,500 (2013*) $499,800 1.Personnel Expenses: $324,000 2.Operational Expenses: $175,800 Strengthening of: Friendly Settlement Rapporteurships Attention to Caribbean Promotion Transparency: Access to information for users of the system
20 Projected Increase in the Regular Fund Allocation to the IACHR for 2013 INCREASE _______ _______ ____ __ _________ ________ _________ ______ _ 2. _____ _________ _________ __ ___ ________ __ __ ______ _________ ___ __ _______ __ ________ _________ ___ ________ __ _____ _____ _______ _________ ____ __ _____ _______ _ __ _____ __________ _______ _______ _________ _____