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Overview of the Presentation ITENs history and presentation ITEN as a result of policy dialogue ITEN as a horizontal cooperation tool ITENs contribution to the education agenda ITENs components and activities Knowledge Bank and Technical Assistance Missions Actions for September June 2013
ITEN is a virtual network of professional leaders interested in the teaching profession from different sectors of society who are willing to share knowledge, experiences, research and best practices in the field of the teacher profession in the Americas.
*UTT – University of Trinidad and Tobago History
VI INTER-AMERICAN MEETING OF MINISTERS OF EDUCATION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF CIDI Better Opportunities for the Youth of the Americas: Rethinking Secondary Education" Declaration of Quito SPECIFIC MANDATES 15. Considering the fundamental role of teachers in education, we reaffirm the commitment to adopt cooperative mechanisms for the development of pre-service education and professional development of teachers that respond to the demands of the 21st century education. We entrust the Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE) to follow up on this issue through the Inter-American Teacher Education Netword (ITEN), to which we give our full backing.
VII INTER-AMERICAN MEETING OF MINISTERS OF EDUCATION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF CIDI Transforming the role of the teacher to meet the challenges of the 21st century" Declaration of Paramaribo SPECIFIC MANDATES 10. Pledge to promote the strengthening, professionalization and social valuing of the teaching profession through dynamic means of fostering dialogue and cooperation among educational systems, universities and other teacher preparation institutions, professional societies and unions, civil society organizations, the private sector, and other government sectors.
OAS-SEDI-OEC: Policy dialogue and technical cooperation Horizontal Cooperation in Education Collaboration between individuals, organizations, governments, universities, civil society institutions to share information, experiences, knowledge, practices and promote their dissemination in the priority areas identified by the Ministers of Education
ITEN as a tool for Horizontal Cooperation:
What is ITENs contribution to the education agenda in the region? ITEN is a regional network focused in the teaching profession supported by the Ministers of Education of the Region. ITEN can be the catalyst for horizontal cooperation in teacher education in the region. ITEN convenes prestigious specialists in the field of the teaching profession. ITEN is available to all stakeholders, from all social sectors related to teacher issues.
ITENs Components Technical Assistance Missions and Knowledge Bank Website Virtual Community (forums-blogs-groups) Social Media Tools (videos, photos) Webinars Online Courses
Webinars During 2012, 13 webinars were conducted with 1,400 registered participants.
Joint Seminar Series 2012: ITEN/International Reading Association (IRA): Innovative Literacy Teaching Techniques ITEN/Techers Without Borders: Creating a Culture of Respect in the Classroom ITEN/World Bank: Presentation of SABER teachers (Seminar for policy makers and officials)
ITEN Website Communication Platform (Virtual Community)
Knowledge Bank This Online database that will allow to share resources on policies and practices related to the teaching profession. Member States will be invited to share documents, papers, projects, case studies, reports, among other key documents.
Technical Assistance Missions First round of technical cooperation missions in topics relevant to teacher education and teacher policies.
Actions for September June 2013 Creation of Regional Knowledge Bank. Implementation of 6 Technical Cooperation Missions. Second webinar series: one for Ministries of Education officers and one for teachers. Capacity Building Workshop for NGOs working in Education in the Caribbean. ITEN formative evaluation. ITEN community strengthening.
SABER Teachers (World Bank Project) proposes 10 teacher policy areas, ¿Which of these topics or others do you consider that should be included in the initial phase of ITENs knowledge Bank? (1) Requirements to enter and remain in teaching (2) Initial teacher preparation (3) Recruitment and employment (4) Teachersworkload and autonomy (5) Professional development (6) Compensation (salary and non-salary benefits) (7) Retirement rules and benefits (8) Monitoring and evaluation of teacher quality (9) Teacher representation and voice (10) School leadership Debate:
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