Implementing the Business Modernization Strategy
Planning Instruct the GS to develop a set of strategic outcomes by pillar Following completion of mandate prioritization exercise Following discussions on vision Instruct the GS to plan and report in line with mandates and budget in an integrated approach
Efficiency and Effectiveness Mandates Complete Mandate prioritization exercise Constitutes first step in analysis of vision Develop criteria for future mandates Reinforce costing of resolutions Streamline resolutions to reduce volume (eg., omnibus resolutions) Instruct the GS to maintain data base of mandates and update regularly
Efficiency and Effectiveness Program Budget Establish mechanism for regular review of mandates and budget (e.g., ongoing technical working group of CAAP) Develop and implement re-engineering strategies to improve operations (eg., National Offices, Human Resources) Plan on multi-year basis if necessary Develop program-budget on multi-year basis (eg., biennial) to increase predictability
Accountability Results and Reporting Instruct the OIG and the Board of External Auditors to undertake regular review of implementation of reforms by CAAP and SAF Instruct the GS to review program results by secretariat Instruct the GS to publish results of evaluation, monitoring and audit of programs and operations on the OAS portal Capture results and performance of programs and report variances to inform member states decision in regard to future mandates and strategic outcomes of the organization
Next Steps Business Modernization = Accountability Framework Develop a baseline Request a report by the SAF on current status of reforms What has been achieved? What are the next steps in the reform process (re- engineering themes)? Adopt as basis of common tracking tool (GS and member states) Sing from the same song sheet Update on progress and setbacks regularly Develop mitigation strategies