European Commission European Union Delegation in Washington Dr. Aires Soares The current International Cooperation on Science, Technology and Innovation of the EU/Latin America and the Caribbean and North America
2 Collaborative Research Frontier Research Human Potential Research Capacity The 7th EU Framework Programme ( )
3 International Cooperation in FP7 International Cooperation in FP7 Cooperation Programme Grants for participation in research consortia and support actions (open to international partners in all themes) Includes Specific International Cooperation Actions (SICA) Ideas Programme Grants for basic research to individuals or a team of individuals (including foreign researchers based in the EU) People Programme – Marie Curie Actions Grants for incoming and outgoing fellowships (to EU) International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) Capacities Programme Facilitating bilateral and bi-regional international cooperation and coordinating EU member state collaboration with third countries
4 Framework for S&T Cooperation Canada United States Argentina Brazil Chile Mexico Science & Technology Cooperation Agreements with:
5 S&T Cooperation EU-LAC The political framework 1999:The first EU-LAC Summit in Brasilia leading to the 2002 S&T Ministerial in Brasilia – A shared vision and an Action Plan 2004:The Guadalajara Summit placed on the political agenda the development of an EU-LAC Knowledge Area. 2010:The Madrid Summit: Technology and innovation for sustainable development and social inclusion
6 Mechanisms for Cooperation Coordinated Calls / Joint solicitations Cooperation based on reciprocity Joint projects by:Coordinated Calls /Dedicated Calls Twinning/Clustering Task forces Joint organisation of workshops and seminars Exchange of scientists and technical experts Exchange of evaluators for peer review Network building though ERA-LINK USA (European Researchers Abroad ) under the umbrella of EURAXESS
Lisbon Treaty and the new Commission ( ) Entry into force on 1 December 2009 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (Lisbon Treaty) means: –Scientific and technological advance is a specific objective of the EU –To be achieved by the development of a European Research Area (ERA) Mandate of new Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science – Ms. Maire Geoghegan-Quinn: –Develop the European Research Area –Coordinate innovation activities –Improve EU / national-level coordination in R&D –Improve FP7 implementation –Prepare future EU R&D policies and launch FP8
Further Information / Más información Infodesk INCO : International cooperation policy: Information about the 7 th Research Framework Programme European Researchers - Mobility Portal:
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