XLII Regular session of the General Assembly Cochabamba, Bolivia 2012 August 1, 2012
Statistics of the Forty-second regular session Cochabamba, Bolivia Declarations and 66 Resolutions 1482 participants 27 Events
Declarations and Resolutions (2008 – 2012)
Number of participants XLII regular session of the General Assembly (Cochabamba, Bolivia 2012)
Go Green Policy- XLII regular session of the General Assembly (Cochabamba, Bolivia 2012)
Preparatory Process
Preparatory Process – AG/PC
Preparatory Process Committees and Working Groups
Accomplishments XLII regular session of the General Assembly For the first time, the AG/CP coordinated and pre-approved the calendar of all scheduled activities. The Preparatory Committee approved a new format for the dialogues with social sectors. Standardization of the Work Plans for the presentation and negotiation of draft resolutions The CSH presented a single resolution that contains 13 preambular and 64 operative paragraphs. Last year, the CSH presented 17 resolutions that contained 173 preambular paragraphs and 182 operative paragraphs. The Committees and Working Groups held a total of 214 regular meetings and 38 informal meeting. Through these informal meetings the Permanent Council reduced the cost of the interpretation and translation services.
Some Recommendations As established in the Rules of Procedures of the General Assembly, the Annual Program Budget of the Organization should be approved during the Regular Session each year. The Committees should explore the option of consolidating in a single draft resolution all mandates pertaining to their areas of responsibilities. Or maybe even considering a moratorium on resolutions. Consider reducing the number of Special Sessions and those that will take place should not be programmed during the months of April and May, in order to allow the Committees and Working Groups to focus on the preparation for the Regular Session of the General Assembly