1 Dec. 8, 1997 LEADS Quality Assurance Summary Robert Brewer (512) Monitoring Operations Division Network QA Manager
2 Dec. 8, 1997 Introduction n What is Quality? n How do you measure it? n How do you get it?
3 Dec. 8, 1997 Quality - Quality is the sum of features and properties/characteristics of a process, item, or service that bears on its ability to meet the stated needs and expectations of the user. (EPA definition) -Quality Assurance is an integrated system of activities designed to achieve quality products.
4 Dec. 8, 1997 (Data) Quality Measures n Accuracy n Precision n Completeness n Comparability n Representativeness
5 Dec. 8, 1997 How is Quality Assured? n Planning and Organization (Who does What, When, Where, Why, and How) n Documentation and Training n Use and Maintenance of Appropriate Sampling and Analysis Methods n Measurement Traceability to Authoritative Standards (NIST) n Quality Control Checks n Data Validation n Data Quality Assessment n Corrective Action
6 Dec. 8, 1997 TNRCC Quality Management Plan NAMS/SLAMS/PAMS QA Project Plan Other QAPPs ManualsSOPs QA Manual CAMS Manual CAMS Preventative Maintenance Instruction Manual LEADS Datalogger (Zeno Model B), Operation and Troubleshooting LEADS Calibrator (DASIBI 5008), Operation and Troubleshooting LEADS Standardization of CAMS Span Sources (DASIBI 5008) LEADS Span Source Audit of Calibration Systems (DASIBI 5008) Etc. Documentation
7 Dec. 8, 1997 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Contents n Title and Approval Sheet n Table of Contents n Distribution List n Project/Task Organization n Problem Definition/Background n Project/Task Description n Data Quality Objectives (DQO) for Measurement Data n Special Training Requirements/Certifications n Documentation and Records n Sampling Process Design (Experimental Design) n Sampling Methods Requirements n Sample Handling and Custody Requirements n Analytical Methods Requirements n Quality Control (QC) Requirements
8 Dec. 8, 1997 QAPP Contents (cont.) n Instrument/Equipment Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance Requirements n Instrument Calibration and Frequency n Inspection/Acceptance Requirements for Supplies and Consumables n Data Management n Assessments and Response Actions n Reports to Management n Data Review, Validation, and Verification Requirements n Validation and Verification Methods n Reconciliation with Data Quality Objectives
9 Dec. 8, 1997 Measurement Traceability Ozone NO, NO2, NOx, SO2, H2S, CO Level MO Cal Lab UV Photometer DASIBI 5008 Calibrator (O3 Generator) Flow MO Cal Lab Primary Flow Standards NIST Gas Standards CAMS Gas Standards DASIBI 5008 Calibrator (NO, SO2, H2S, CO) 1 2 CAMS O3 Monitor CAMS NO, SO2, H2S, & CO Monitors 3
10 Dec. 8, 1997 Quality Control Checks n During Calibrations n Monitor Voltage and Concentration Outlier Checks n Concentration Spacing Check n Slope/Intercept Checks n Zero/Span Checks n Precision/Linearity Check n Converter Efficiency Checks (NOx & H2S) n During Span Checks n Monitor Voltage and Concentration Outlier Checks n Concentration Spacing Check n Zero/Span Checks n Linearity Check n Converter Efficiency Checks (NOx & H2S) n Span Source Audit - Checks the accuracy of the DASIBI 5008 Calibrator every 45 days
11 Dec. 8, 1997 Data Validation n LEADS Automatic Data Validation n Meteorological Parameter checks n Multiple Parameter Validity checks n Negative Data Check n Validation based on Quality Control check results n LEADS Manual Validation n Human review of data n Graphical display of data versus time n Validator can select suspect data and apply appropriate validation codes or apply a different calibration slope and/or intercept
12 Dec. 8, 1997 Data Quality Assessment n Accuracy - From Monitor Performance Audits once a year. Assessed in three concentration ranges for each pollutant monitor. n Precision - From the weekly Precision Check. The T- level concentration of the Span Check provides this data. n Completeness - % Data Return achieved by each monitor during a calendar quarter. n Data Quality Objectives - Stated in the QAPP
13 Dec. 8, 1997 Corrective Action n LEADS Automatic Corrective Action - Data invalidated if Calibration or Span Checks Fail. n Daily Status Reports (Web Pages) provide calibration and span check results, and other information needed to determine the need for corrective action.
14 Dec. 8, 1997 Conclusion Everyone involved in a monitoring project is responsible for some aspect of quality assurance. Working together we can meet or exceed our quality goals.
15 Dec. 8, 1997 QA Contacts n Marie Streusand - NAMS/SLAMS QA Officer. Responsible for the QAPP. (512) n Bob Watson - Monitoring Operations Calibrations Laboratory Manager. Responsible for calibration of the DASIBI 5008, gas cylinders, O3 transfer standards, and flow meters. (512) n Bob Schultz - Audits CAMS. Trains and certifies QA personnel. (512) n Dewayne Ehman - Audits CAMS. Reviews Span Source Audit reports. (512) n Robert Brewer - Monitoring Operations Division Network QA Manager. (512)