Hall A collaboration meeting, January 4-5, 2007, 1 Operated by the Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility HALL-A STATUS REPORT Hall A Collaboration Meeting January 4-5, 2007 K EES DE J AGER J EFFERSON L ABORATORY Carlos Munoz-Camacho has kindly agreed to host a wine-and cheese gathering Thursday evening in the Residence Facility, starting at 6:00 pm If you attend (most of you, I hope) please pay Heather the standard 9 $ contribution
Hall A collaboration meeting, January 4-5, 2007, 2 Operated by the Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Achievements 2006-II Successfully ran E05-103Low Energy Deuteron Photodisintegration E05-004A(Q) at low Q in ed Elastic Scattering E03-104Probing the Limits of the Standard Model of Nuclear Physics with the 4 He(e,ep) Reaction Successful start of E04-018Elastic Scattering off 3,4 He Submitted four 12 GeV proposals to PAC-30 Two approved, one conditionally, one deferred Initiated initial study for broad PV research program at 12 GeV 10 proposals submitted to PAC31 for a total of 197 days with an allocation of 60 days
Hall A collaboration meeting, January 4-5, 2007, 3 Operated by the Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Hall A Approved Proposals PAC Experiments completed 95 days originally scheduled for the next 12 months Backlog ~4 years (annual average for Hall A is ~75 days at full funding)
Hall A collaboration meeting, January 4-5, 2007, 4 Operated by the Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Publications (incl. submissions) in 2006 J.-O. Hansen et al., Precise Extraction of the Neutron Magnetic Form Factor from Quasi-Elastic 3 He(e,e) at Q 2 = GeV 2, accepted by PRC, nucl-ex/ B. Hu et al., Polarization Transfer in the d(e,ep)n Reaction up to Q 2 = 1.61 (GeV/c) 2, PRC 73, (2006). K.A. Aniol et al., Constraints on the nucleon strange form factors at Q 2 ~ 0.1 GeV 2, PLB 635, 275 (2006). K.A. Aniol et al., Parity-Violating electron scattering from 4 He and the strange electric form factor of the nucleon, PRL 96, (2006) Carlos Munoz Camacho et al., Scaling Tests of the Cross Section for Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering, nucl- ex/ , PRL 97, (2006) Yi Qiang et al., A Search for Sigma 0 5, N 0 5 and Theta ++ Pentaquark States, hep-ex/ , submitted to PRD. Armando Acha Quimper et al., Precision Measurements of the Nucleon Strange Form Factors at Q GeV 2, nucl- ex/ , accepted by PRL Total number of Hall A publications: PRL+PLB 28+1, PRC 14+2, NIM 12. Four final drafts circulating (SRC, hypernuclear, E00-007, RCS cross section) Average time from completion of experiment to submission 20 months with 75% within 3 years. At present 5 experiments that have not submitted a manuscript more than 3 years after completion Essential that more effort goes into publications, especially archival pubs
Hall A collaboration meeting, January 4-5, 2007, 5 Operated by the Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility PUBLICATIONS-II Archival papers promised to be completed LAST year: -E He(e,ep) -E91-026deuteron A and B -E93-050VCS -E94-010GDH -E99-007G E p -II -E99-114WACS Achievements to date: E O(e,ep) published E91-010HAPPEx-I published E N-> submitted E93-027G E p -I published E94-012H( ) π o published E n -> π - ppublished E95-001G M n accepted E99-117A 1 n published Please send copy of all publications to Heather simultaneous to submission
Hall A collaboration meeting, January 4-5, 2007, 6 Operated by the Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Scheduled Experiments in Hall A ExpTitleContact persons FebElastic scattering off 7 Li, BR. Gilman, D. Higinbotham MarE Pb(e,ep)K. Aniol Apr-Sepdown forced by full FY07 continuing resolution Oct-NovE04-018Elastic scattering off 3,4 HeM. Petratos DecE03-101proton pairR. Gilman Jan-MarE05-110Coulomb Sum RuleB. Sawatzky Apr Installation of BigBite MayE π 0 electroproductionR. Lindgren Jun-JulInstallation of Polarized 3 He target Aug-Novrun BigBite plus polarized 3 He experiments FY09HAPPEx-III, Lead Parity Budget consequences of continuing resolution not yet clear, can range from full restoration in FY07 of appropriating committees budget (very optimistic) through restoration from moment budget is signed to FY06 budget throughout FY07 (most probable, ~25% budget cut, not counting 12 GeV funding). 6 weeks further extension for G 0 in March in addition to rescheduled running for Jan-Feb 2007 In Hall A highest priority to running experiments scheduled for 2007 Budget situation extremely tight at least until DOE budget has been resolved
Hall A collaboration meeting, January 4-5, 2007, 7 Operated by the Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Hall A Schedule (Very Tentative!)
Hall A collaboration meeting, January 4-5, 2007, 8 Operated by the Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility The Recovery Plan to 6 GeV Energies for trip rates <15/hour Work on the CM refurbishment and Renascence completion are now underway First refurbished CM to be installed as I speak and commissioned late February (four months later than shown in figure) Committed to provide as close to 5.75 GeV as soon as possible, but consequences of FY07 budget as yet unclear
Hall A collaboration meeting, January 4-5, 2007, 9 Operated by the Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Long-Term Schedule
Hall A collaboration meeting, January 4-5, 2007, 10 Operated by the Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Long-Term Outlook CD-1 approved on Feb 14, 2006 CD-2 dry run review ongoing CD-2A review scheduled for summer of 2007, but could slip by a year Goal was to achieve CD-2 baseline approval in 4QFY07 Kovar continues to express strong support for 12 GeV upgrade Start of Machine Shut-down delayed until 2nd/3rd QFY13 CD-4 (project completion) delayed until 1QFY16 Conceptual design for solenoidal magnet has been initiated with the goal to present it at the LRP Town Meeting, followed by strong support in the LRP
Hall A collaboration meeting, January 4-5, 2007, 11 Operated by the Jefferson Science Associates for the U.S. Department Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Long Range Plan 2007 Two parallel Town Meetings scheduled Rutgers (Jan 12-14) on Hot QCD (RHIC) and Cold QCD (JLab) Chicago (Jan 19-21) on Nuclear Structure and Symmetries Please ensure adequate representation of your opinion Writing Committee (60(!) members) will meet April 30 - May 4 Draft plan to be presented by October, final report by end of 2007 JLab underrepresented in both NSAC and Executive Committee of DNP Rolf Ent only JLab representative in NSAC out of 15 members! Thia Keppel only JLab representative in DNP out of 9 members Please use your vote in the ongoing DNP election to correct this Larry Cardman candidate for Vice-Chair Haiyan Gao, Krishna Kumar candidates for Executive Committee Urge your congressman to provide a workable budget (per Ron Gilman)