PPLN Frequency- Doubling Project Diana Parno Hall A Parity Collaboration Meeting May 17, 2007
Green Laser Upgrade The 100 mW commercial green laser is problematic: Not enough power May be unreliable over time (it spent the fall with the manufacturer for extended repairs) Possible solution: Use nonlinear optics to build a higher-power, more reliable green laser.
Second Harmonic Generation The pump wave generates a polarization inside a nonlinear optical crystal oscillating at twice the pump frequency. The nonlinear polarization radiates an EM wave with twice the pump frequency. This second harmonic propagates in the same direction. With advances in nonlinear optics (periodic poling, new crystal types), we can efficiently convert a reliable infrared laser to a reliable green one.
Periodic Poling Second harmonic generation (SHG) depends on the phase difference φ: φ<180°: Energy transfers from pump to 2nd harmonic φ>180°: Energy transfers from 2nd harmonic to pump Periodic poling induces a 180° phase shift in the 2nd harmonic at every domain reversal, so that SHG is efficient over the entire crystal length Without phase matching, SHG intensity oscillates with a low amplitude over the crystal length
Single-Pass SHG Why not use a powerful (several Watt) commercial green laser? Nd:YAG lasers are converted to 532 nm through SHG These lasers lock to secondary cavities for multiple passes through the crystal Our fast feedback scheme for the Fabry-Perot (based on PZTs) is thus impossible for these lasers Single-pass SHG allows us to achieve efficient locking to the Fabry-Perot cavity for Compton polarimetry
SHG Apparatus The pump infrared beam must be carefully steered and focused into the SHG crystal (periodically poled lithium niobate – PPLN) Infrared laser (1064 nm, 700 mW) Steering mirror Half-wave plateLenses SHG crystal (inside oven) Dichroic mirror Prism
SHG Achievements We have achieved mW of green power with a 700-mW infrared input Optimal phase-matching temperature is ~62°C Changes in alignment, polarization and lasing temperature may also improve efficiency
Crystal Temperature Scan For our crystal, poor temperature stability and resolution obscure the structure Possible sideband? Sharper peak expected Crystal Temperature Scan Gregory Miller, Stanford PhD thesis, 1998 We expect a well-defined temperature response: symmetrical sidebands about a sharp peak
Pump Power Scan We expect a quadratic increase in SHG power as a function of pump power Turn-on Possible peak Scans taken ~15 hours apart show a substantial difference: our setup has clear stability problems The structure we see is significantly different Possible temperature effects?
SHG Future Work Design a more stable oven/temperature controller for the PPLN crystal Improve separation of fundamental and second- harmonic beams Fully characterize crystal response to changes in pump power and polarization, crystal temperature … Consider techniques for power amplification Test a 5-W fiber amplifier with our seed laser this summer
Thank you!