Testing the Limits of the Single Particle Model in 16 O(e,ep) - Update to E THOMAS JEFFERSON NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY Arun Saha Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA* Hall A Collaboration Meeting June 23, 2005 A. Saha, Hall A Collaboration Mtg., June 23, 2005
E00-102* Ran Oct. 25 – Dec. 9, 2001 Determine the limits of validity of the single-particle model of valence proton knock-out Determine effects of relativity and spinor distortion on valence proton knock-out using the diffractive character of the A LT asymmetry Determine bound-state wave function and spectroscopic factors for valence proton knock-out THOMAS JEFFERSON NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY * Update to E – Hall A 1997 (E higher precision, higher p miss and E miss ) A. Saha, Hall A Collaboration Mtg., June 23, 2005
* * E p miss up to GeV/c Minus kinematics Plus kinematics Data were obtained for the 1p-shell, 1 s 1/2 -state, and the continuum THOMAS JEFFERSON NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY A. Saha, Hall A Collaboration Mtg., June 23, 2005
People Involved Spokespersons:L. Weinstein (ODU), K. Fissum (Lund), A. Saha (JLab), W. Bertozzi (MIT) Students:M. Andersson (Lund) K. Foe (ODU) Post Docs:B. Reitz (JLab), W. Hinton (Hampton) R. Roche (ODU) J. Lachniet (ODU) THOMAS JEFFERSON NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY A. Saha, Hall A Collaboration Mtg., June 23, 2005
oAnticipated data points from E Data obtained from E Compared to calculations by Udias et al. Projected A LT for Proton Knockout from 1p 1/2 and 1p 3/2 -states of 16 O THOMAS JEFFERSON NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY A. Saha, Hall A Collaboration Mtg., June 23, 2005
Overview of Analysis - M. Andersson Relative Cross section data 0 < p miss < 350 Mev/c corresponds to kin A+, C+, D+, E+ and F+. The p miss bins are 2 MeV/c for kin A+ through D+ and 4 MeV/c for the other two. Statistical Uncertainty is 7% for the overlap between proton spectrometer angular settings achieved. Cuts Applied: ± 50 mr in Θ and Φ, ± 3.5 % in dp. THOMAS JEFFERSON NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY A. Saha, Hall A Collaboration Mtg., June 23, 2005
Kin A+ p miss = +70 MeV/c THOMAS JEFFERSON NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY A. Saha, Hall A Collaboration Mtg., June 23, 2005
Kin C+ p miss = +140 MeV/c THOMAS JEFFERSON NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY A. Saha, Hall A Collaboration Mtg., June 23, 2005
Kin D+ p miss = +175 MeV/c THOMAS JEFFERSON NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY A. Saha, Hall A Collaboration Mtg., June 23, 2005
Kin E+ p miss = +210 MeV/c THOMAS JEFFERSON NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY A. Saha, Hall A Collaboration Mtg., June 23, 2005
Kin F+ p miss = +280 MeV/c THOMAS JEFFERSON NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY A. Saha, Hall A Collaboration Mtg., June 23, 2005
Effective momentum distribution THOMAS JEFFERSON NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY A. Saha, Hall A Collaboration Mtg., June 23, 2005
Future Analyses Tasks W. Boeglin (FSU) has joined the team - interested in the continuum part. Simulation work in Europe (Udias, Fissum) Data analyses work in the US THOMAS JEFFERSON NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY A. Saha, Hall A Collaboration Mtg., June 23, 2005