May 17th 2007 Happex Collaboration Meeting 1 Compton polarimeter Electron detector upgrade and status PREX/Happex Collaboration Meeting May 17 th 2007 Alexandre Camsonne
May 17th 2007 Happex Collaboration Meeting 2 Electron detector 4 planes microstrip 128 strips Located about 5 mm from electron beam Detection of Compton electrons using 3 rd dipole of the chicane as analyzer
May 17th 2007 Happex Collaboration Meeting 3 Upgrade Mechanical New vertical motion system and accomodation of the new electronics Electronics Switch to 192 microstrips for improved resolution to reduce systematics DAQ Analysis
May 17th 2007 Happex Collaboration Meeting 4 Mechanical design Design Clermont-Ferrand Complete Most parts in procurement a/plans/Site- web/Cebaf/TJN-DetE/TJN- DetE-P2.html Control motion Motor ordered Controls/interlocks to be developed
May 17th 2007 Happex Collaboration Meeting 5 Mechanical design Integration JLab CAD drawings from Clermont Ferrand to check for interference Support stand design complete
May 17th 2007 Happex Collaboration Meeting 6 Electronics Detectors strips at Clermont Ferrand 4 planes 192 strips Amplifier Design complete Being manufactured Complete testing to be done Trigger Work on board routing in process Design done 1 or 2 months Test card trigger done for test in July
May 17th 2007 Happex Collaboration Meeting 7 DAQ Trigger and readout similar to previous detector Crl to be adapted Synchronization/integration with photon detector ( coincidence trigger) Work will start by spring 2008 when everything at JLab ( 2 months )
May 17th 2007 Happex Collaboration Meeting 8 Analysis Reuse of Etienne Burtin, Stephanie Escoffie software Addition of David Lhuillier improvements Scaling of old software or rewriting of software ?
May 17th 2007 Happex Collaboration Meeting 9 Man power Clermont Bernard Michel ( Electronics ) Michel Brossard ( Physicist ) Guy Savinel (?) ( Mechanical) Jefferson Laboratory Sue Witherspoon (EPICS Slow control) Alexandre Camsonne ( DAQ / Analysis) More people ?
May 17th 2007 Happex Collaboration Meeting 10 Conclusion Mechanical design complete Progress on the electron detector electronics Final date for installation to be determined All components ready by end of 2007 ready for installation beginning 2008