Progress on the Compton Analysis R. S. Holmes, A. Rakhman
Compton X-Sect and Asymmetry
The DL response function Di-Gaussian. Parameters are extrapolated with polynomials Extrapolated Other fits: 1. 2D polynomial 2. Variable width Gaussian
Observed Compton Spectrum Integrate response Function folded With theory
New Systematic Appeared when a bug was fixed Effect is down (at low end) by 2 with new function
Accidental Background on the Tail Hint of accidentals Linear Log Add 10 runs (with same gain)
Accidentals Easy to See on Low Energy Strip Monte Carlo Data Pulse shape?
Monte Carlo of Accidental
Pseudo-Effect of Accidentals Data Monte Carlo
Sensitivity to Thresholds This must be understood. We have ideas.
New Fit Parameters vs PMT Gain Gaussian with Variable width
Cuts Parameters versus Polarization of run
Polarization vs Run Χ 2 is getting better. It looks like we are ultimately statistics limited
Jobs Make sure that ~E and that width behaves reasonable with E. Rewrite code so that it can analyze Monte Carlo Model slow PbWO 4 response. Fix various bugs.