Choosing A Major That Is Right For You Lisa Whalen Director Writing Center Concordia University
Choosing A Major That Is Right For You Dont let outside pressures choose for you, and dont feel committed to your major once youve chosen it.
Choosing A Major That Is Right For You Make connections among what you learn inside and outside of the classroom.
Choosing A Major That Is Right For You What interests me? What are my strengths? What challenges me? What am I curious about? What provides me with satisfaction? What do I enjoy or not enjoy? What opportunities and challenges have I taken on without hesitation? What makes me feel as if I am contributing to my community and world?
Choosing A Major That Is Right For You Set goals and be realistic.
Choosing A Major That Is Right For You Do an internship in a field that interests you.
Choosing A Major That Is Right For You Be aware that any major and/or profession will include challenges