Knowledge Creation Tools for DAML Grit Denker, Jerry R. Hobbs, David Martin Srini Narayanan, Richard Waldinger SRI International
Outline DAML-S A Service Markup Language. Process Models for Web-services Core theories and markup for transactions, processes, time, interactions Execution Semantics, monitoring, and simulation-- DEMO Other Work-in-progress Theories & inference for the Semantic Web Models of Security and Trust Resource Site Construction Tool m DAML+OIL plugin to Protégé – DEMO FrameNet in DAML
DAML-S: Goals Full automation of service use DAML markups provide enough info for an agent to find, select, enact and use a service never before encountered Service requests handled seamlessly with information queries Allow for composition of both Many components & tools can work for both m Search & selection, ontology translation, … Support inference in selecting and using services Joint work with Stanford-KSL, CMU, BBN, Nokia
Service Ontology: Top-level Classes Service ServiceModel provides supports presents DescribedBy ServiceProfileServiceGrounding Resource What the service does How it works How to access it
Process Upper Ontology
Time Ontology Intervals Instants startOfendOf inside before Process during atTime Future Developments: Temporal Measurement Clock and Calendar
(Simple) Process What does it do? Requirements for use; results of use Black box view: Information needed to execute an atomic service Inputs, outputs, preconditions, effects, … Binding rules for inputs, outputs Roles involved May vary for different service classes Can employ logical rules, conditional I/0, effects. Atomic Transaction
Service Model How does it work? Semantic description of a service Glass box view Detailed characterization of what it does May vary for different service classes Analogous to procedure body (but abstract)
B2C Purchase: ProcessModel Check-out Sign-inCreate-Account Load-PrefsCreate-Prefs Select-Payment-Method Specify-Delivery-Address Giftwrap Finalize One-Step Locate-Goods Put-in-Cart Composite service Simple or composite services
Congo.daml (partial)
Process Model and Inference Model Graphical Model is constructed recursively from DAML Markup Model is stochastic and can simulate execution Integrated into OAA and SNARK Inference Verfication, deadlock, reachability analysis, and performance analysis (such as forward-backward computing Viterbi paths).
Sequence(T1,T2) T1 P1 start finish P2 T2 P3 Ongoing
concurrent (T1, T2, T3) P3 T2 P1 bypass P2 T1 start T3 finish
concur_sync (T1, T2, T3) P3 T2 P1 P2 T1 start T3 finish P1
unordered (T1, T2, T3) P3 T2 P1 P2 T1 start T3 finish
Execution Semantics Model is a high level Stochastic Petri Net and has a well specified execution semantics. Being extended to the more expressive Rewriting Logic (joint with Jose Meseguer) Rewriting Logic is a logic of distributed systems. There is a widely used rewriting logic tool, Maude. More at
Status Process Tool ready for release, pending stable DAML-S. DAML-S 0.5 at Joint work with Stanford KSL, CMU, BBN, Yale, Nokia SRIs DAML work is described at
Whats Hot DAML-S is a serious attempt to use DAML+OIL. Process Modeling Tool for DAML-S descriptions Execution Semantics Resources, Execution monitoring Simulation Inference
Whats hard DAML-S expressivity/naturalness issues How to define scripts How to define unification constraints, etc.. Services are like verbs, ontologies are more natural to represent nouns. Achieving and maintaining consensus Coordinating with industry standards With existing industry proposals m ex. XLANG