Enrollment Update Academic Affairs Committee Meeting October 17, 2012 Dr. Thomas J. LeBlanc E NROLLMENT U PDATE P RESENTED AT THE F ACULTY S ENATE M EETING O CTOBER 17, 2012 T HOMAS J. L E B LANC E XECUTIVE V ICE P RESIDENT & P ROVOST
Numbers of Applied, Accepted, and Enrolled New Freshmen Note: Students who began studies during the prior summer were included in fall data. Source: Student Admission System 2
Yield Rate Enrolled New Freshmen Source: Student Admission System 3
Yield Rate by Official SAT Range Enrolled New Freshmen Source: Student Admission System 4
Percent of Enrolled New Freshmen Who Report Official SAT and Official ACT Note: "Official SAT/ACT" excludes scores for students who performed better on their ACT/SAT. Source: Student Admission System 5 Percent of Students Reporting
Official SAT, Official ACT, and Score Enrolled New Freshmen Note: Mean Official SAT is computed by averaging 4 numbers: Official SAT Verbal 25th and 75th Percentiles and Official SAT Math 25th and 75th Percentiles. "Official SAT/ACT" excludes scores for students who performed better on their ACT/SAT. Source: Student Admission System 6
Percent of Enrolled New Freshmen Who Report High School Percentile and High School GPA Source: Student Admission System 7
High School Percentile and High School GPA Enrolled New Freshmen Source: Student Admission System 8
Numbers of Applied, Accepted, and Enrolled New Transfers Note: Students who began studies during the prior summer were included in fall data. Source: Student Admission System 9
Transfer GPA New Transfers Source: Student Admission System 10
Fall to Fall Benchmark Retention Rate Note: Percent is the percent who returned/graduated, adjusted for deceased students. Source: PIR Retention Rate (Benchmark) Database 11
New Freshman Graduation Rate Note: Graduation rates are based on the IPEDS GRS methodology: Cohort is new freshmen who enrolled for the first time in college either in the fall or in the preceding summer and who were enrolled full-time in that fall. Time to degree is August 31st of degree year. Source: U.S. Department of Education Graduation Rate Survey 12
Top 25 Other Universities Receiving the Most SAT Scores Reports from Our Applicants Year Published University of Florida*14. Duke University 2. Florida State University*15. University of Michigan Ann Arbor* 3. University of Central Florida*16. University of Maryland College Park* 4. Florida International University*17. Boston College 5. University of South Florida*18. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill* 6. Boston University19. Emory University 7. New York University20. Vanderbilt University 8. Pennsylvania State University*21. George Washington University 9. Northeastern University22. University of Pennsylvania 10. University of Southern California23. University of California Los Angeles* 11. Tulane University24. Cornell University 12. Florida Atlantic University*25. Columbia University 13. Syracuse University * Public College Universities. Source: The College Board, 2011
Top 10 Private Universities Receiving the Most SAT Scores Reports from Our Applicants 1. Boston University 2. New York University 3. Northeastern University 4. University of Southern California 5. Tulane University 6. Syracuse University 7. Duke University 8. Boston College 9. Emory University 10. Vanderbilt University Source: The College Board,