Doctrine/Lessons Learned: Breakout Session Out-Brief –Working Group Name: Doctrine/LL –Purpose –Significant Issues –Recommendations/Plan of Action –Working Group Name: Doctrine/LL –Purpose –Significant Issues –Recommendations/Plan of Action Outline Facilitator: Alice Mulvehill (BBN)
Some Common Goals Use DAML to support user groups: –Operations: Decision support –Training –Doctrine: Both producers and consumers User Processes: –Information (doctrine/lessons) access –Auto-generation of valid/reliable structured information –Just-in-time information delivery (post approval/verification) Across all levels (strategic, operational, tactical) Tailored granularity (concept, task, mission) Usable format Constraints: –Portable: Does not require net connection –Tools must be easy to use, inexpensive to acquire
Significant Issues/Needs Process: 1.Tools for searching and inferencing with DAML ontologies for context-sensitive search for given documents for document revision and change tracking for speeding up the markup process 2.Meta-tag generation 3.Identifying users granularity need (e.g., paragraph vs. task) 4.Approval of DAML links in doctrine generation 5.Bandwidth of existing info infrastructure systems, & search implications 6.Performance Tasks: Representations for situation collection Verification and editing Trend analysis (e.g., from lessons, commonalities among METLs) Comparative evaluations (e.g., search using DAML markup vs. not) Process: 1.Tools for searching and inferencing with DAML ontologies for context-sensitive search for given documents for document revision and change tracking for speeding up the markup process 2.Meta-tag generation 3.Identifying users granularity need (e.g., paragraph vs. task) 4.Approval of DAML links in doctrine generation 5.Bandwidth of existing info infrastructure systems, & search implications 6.Performance Tasks: Representations for situation collection Verification and editing Trend analysis (e.g., from lessons, commonalities among METLs) Comparative evaluations (e.g., search using DAML markup vs. not) Product: 1.Provide portable/local search (e.g., not connected to SIPRNET) 2.Agent-based tools for exploiting DAMLized LL/doctrine 3.Meta-tag use Product: 1.Provide portable/local search (e.g., not connected to SIPRNET) 2.Agent-based tools for exploiting DAMLized LL/doctrine 3.Meta-tag use
Questions 1.Can PDF files (or their indices) be DAMLized (i.e., is HTML needed)? 2. Any existing dataspace visualization tools for viewing DAML links? If so, what are their existing capabilities? 2. Any existing dataspace visualization tools for viewing DAML links? If so, what are their existing capabilities?
1.Build ontologies for METLs (DRC) 2.Demonstrate the utility of DAML for applying doctrine/LL in decision support systems (Several groups) 3.Provide PDF mission folder examples (with indices) for experimentation re: just-in-time index generation (C. McGrath) 4.Test ontology creation & markup tools (M. Dietvorst w/ D. Rager) 5.Provide intro descriptions & system requirements of available DAML tools (A. Mulvehill) 6.Provide feedback/assessments to Alice on DAML tools (all) 1.Build ontologies for METLs (DRC) 2.Demonstrate the utility of DAML for applying doctrine/LL in decision support systems (Several groups) 3.Provide PDF mission folder examples (with indices) for experimentation re: just-in-time index generation (C. McGrath) 4.Test ontology creation & markup tools (M. Dietvorst w/ D. Rager) 5.Provide intro descriptions & system requirements of available DAML tools (A. Mulvehill) 6.Provide feedback/assessments to Alice on DAML tools (all) Recommendations/Plan of Action 1.Make requested DAML tools available e.g., Ontology generators, auto-markup tools, DAML editors 2.Create inferencing tools for use with DAML markup 3.Advertise DAML tutorial (i.e., the walk-thru example) 4.Request DAML tool summary at next meeting 1.Make requested DAML tools available e.g., Ontology generators, auto-markup tools, DAML editors 2.Create inferencing tools for use with DAML markup 3.Advertise DAML tutorial (i.e., the walk-thru example) 4.Request DAML tool summary at next meeting
Session Attendees David W. Aha Ted Baer Phillip Boos Sally DeGozzaldi Mike Dietvorst Kalyan Gupta Marti Hall Jake Jacobowitz Bob Lucas Chuck McGrath Chuck A. Menges Alice Mulvehill Bruce Peoples Mike Pratt David Rager Dennis Toomey Mark Werner