ICS 14 May 2003 Brief Review of INFEO INFEO is a distributed system for search of EO and related data Catalogue Search of INFEO uses CIP profile of Z39.50 A system of middleware nodes and gateways Find collections of interest (from INFEO nodes) Find products of interest (from INFEO gateways) Since Feb 2001 INFEO has been operated by ESA –Priority improvements: User Interface and Performances
ICS 14 May 2003 Status INFEO running well, but with low usage –Monthly availability > 90% since May 2002 –New interface development completion anticipated summer 03 –Delay in further improvements for performance and evolution, kick-off summer 03 Promotion of INFEO following interface improvements
ICS 14 May 2003 INFEO Catalogue Search Architecture (in-test) INFEO node at RAL GATEWAY to MUIS-B (at ESRIN) GATEWAY to BADC (at RAL) GATEWAY to IMS (e.g. NASA/IMS) GATEWAY to ISIS (at. DLR-DFD) ACCESS to GEO servers (on hold) Main INFEO Node and MCF (at ESRIN) INFEO node at NASA ACCESS to MUIS-ENVISAT (at ESRIN) client new
ICS 14 May 2003 ESA/MUIS-ENVISAT Gateway ESA/MUIS-C Gateway - CIP2.2 - operated at ESA/ESRIN - custom gateway to MUIS-C servers - 17 collections representing 44 products s new
ICS 14 May 2003 Demo – ESA Envisat Gateway
ICS 14 May 2003 NASA INFEO Node NASA/IMS INFEO node - CIP2.4 - being tested at GSFC -custom gateway to IMS servers (GSFC, EDC, JPL,...) -INFEO node installation new
ICS 14 May 2003 Cont. Access to 17 collections (44 products) Imaging and atmospheric instruments Stripline and scene based collections Presentation of future potential acquisitions
ICS 14 May 2003 NASA INFEO node Standard INFEO software modified to work with Oracle 9i installed at GSFC –Some performance and other detailed issues being investigated
ICS 14 May 2003 INFEO/GEO interoperability Reminder – CIP and GEO profiles of z30.50 were harmonised and so interoperable in theory … However, testing is currently stalled INFEO client to GEO server –Little support from GEO servers in returning GRS-1 format results (instead HTML is returned) … this makes it hard/impossible for an advanced client to parse results to (e.g. display footprints etc.) GEO client to INFEO server –Interoperability achieved from test clients, but problems in connecting INFEO to FGDC clearing house due to missing structure attribute within the query