The Semantic Web: [You are here] Professor James Hendler Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Laboratory
SWMU, 03 2 MIND SWAP Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Laboratory, Semantic Web and Agents Project J. Hendler B. Parsia Jennifer Golbeck Aditya Kalyanpur Grecia Lapizco-Encinas Katy Newton Corportate Research Partners: Fujitsu Laboratory of America, College Park Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories NTT Corp SAIC Corp. Owl-powered Semantic Web page (under development) Traditional web page Evren Sirin Ronald Alford Ross Baker Amy Alford Matt Westhoff Michael Grove Ronald Reck
SWMU, 03 3 Building the Semantic Web
SWMU, 03 4 The World Wide Web… Works reasonably well for single document texts, or for finding sites based on single document text Cannot integrate information from multiple documents Cannot find things in databases, programs, devices and sensors Cannot ever get better (qualitatively)! Keyword-based IR will never really do better than it does today (in satisfying user needs)
SWMU, 03 5 What about the rest of the Web?
SWMU, 03 6 Getting there: The Semantic Wave (Berners-Lee, 03)
SWMU, 03 7 Whats the problem Name Rank Serial Number
SWMU, 03 8 XML is NOT semantics
SWMU, 03 9 Tim Berners-Lee … XML is NOT semantics
SWMU, Tim Berners-Lee … XML is NOT semantics Xml schema is DOCUMENT checking photo has multiple subject fields photo has one physical location etc.
SWMU, Tim Berners-Lee … XML is NOT semantics Xml schema is DOCUMENT checking photo has multiple subject fields photo has one physical location etc. WHICH SAYS NOTHING ABOUT TALKS, SUBJECTS, PEOPLE, EVENTS, etc.
SWMU, Event:title Event:WebPage rdf:type photo:Photograph, Photo:File Photo:topic :event1#event:speaker. Event1 a Event:event; date May 7-11, speaker Title WWW 2002… TimBL rdf:type w3c-ont:person; name Tim Berners-Lee … describes a generic conceptabout events The SEMANTICS is in the links (e.g. to ontologies)!
SWMU, From the small and structured Database schema for International Digitial Childrens Library Metadata repository ~40 classes ~25 properties (corresponding to database keys)
SWMU, To the large and complex owl:Class rdf:ID="CD80_Antigen"> CD80 Antigen P33681 NCI A member of the immunoglobulin supergene family. Co-regulator of T cell activation with CD86. Plays a critical role in autoimmune, humoral, and transplant responses. Expressed on activated T and B cells and on macrophages. (from PROW) ]]> US National Cancer Institute Ontology ~17,000 classes >1 million synonyms and definitions RDF graph >500,000 triples
SWMU, My Semantic Web (I have nearly 200 daml/owl/rdf(s) files on my laptop) -- March, 2003
SWMU, Our Semantic Web Jan 1, 03: Crawler finds 5.8M+ DAML statements on 20,000+ web pages Doesnt include many instance KBs tied to ontologies Doesnt include many very large RDFS-based KBs that include some OWL Ontology library at has 209 ontologies (March 2003) Open for anyone to create Open for anyone to use OWL is being supported by large corporation labs Web tool developers: IBM, HP, Sun, Intel, Fujitsu Content providers: Daimler-Chrysler, Nokia, Motorola, EDS, Agfa OWL is starting to be used by thesaurus developers C.f. National Cancer Institute metathesaurus released in OWL Lite CALL Thesaurus in DAML NASA thesaurus available in DAML Use of semantic markup for Web Services beginning to move beyond basic research DAML-S cited as required reading for Web Services Choreography WG DAML-S being demoed to WSDL WG next week
SWMU, The incoming tide …
SWMU, What comes next
SWMU, Tools are critical Tools for marking up images, figures and other non-textual data… must be built in a way that they tie into the "business processes" of the working scientist -- that is, rather than learning a whole new set of tools, the basic web tools of the scientist must include mechanisms that make it EASIER for the scientist to produce web content (appropriately markedup) while authoring papers, performing experiments, creating and logging data, and the other day to day activities of the working researcher. Science and the Semantic Web, Hendler, 03 The same is true of the military user
SWMU, Automatically-organized portals
SWMU, New Info Management Paradigms
SWMU, And other cool stuff
SWMU, Tools for visualization and use A number of tools for querying, browsing and visualizing SW data are being developed
SWMU, Handle larger size/complexity Tools are now scaling as well
SWMU, PhotoSMORE: Marking up (sub)images
SWMU, PhotoSMORE: Marking up (sub)images
SWMU, And the info flows…
SWMU, And the info flows… correctly
SWMU, Surfs up!
SWMU, Putting all this together…
SWMU, Wrapping/Mapping tool DAML Ontology (DAML-S) XML Schema (WSDL) Mappings for attributes Define transformation functions Manual editing if necess.
SWMU, …is starting to work document service database Are there any mountains in Europe bigger than Mt. Blanc?
SWMU, Ad hoc Programming Advanced information management capabilities Discovery, Filtering, Composition
SWMU, Ad hoc programming + logic
SWMU, Distributed trust
SWMU, Conclusions The Semantic Web is real allows us to create models of information and share these on the web In a web-like open-system way In a way that exposes more semantics Vocabularies/ontologies first step, but they need to be easier to create and use and modify and crawl and query Application development has begun! A new generation of Semantic Web tools is becoming available First prototypes are becoming available for end to end functionality Some components, and the OWL language, are ready for prime time The Semantic Wave Is an incoming tide…