Wyn Cudlip BNSC/QinetiQ Presentation to WGISS24 DLR, October 2007 CCSDS Liaison Consultative Committee on Space Data Systems
CEOS WGISS 24 Meeting, DLR, October 2007 CCSDS Structure
CEOS WGISS 24 Meeting, DLR, October 2007 ISO TCs ISO TC20 Aircraft and Space Vehicles Sub-Committee-13 (SC13 (CCSDS)) –Space Data and Information Transfer Systems Sub-Committee-14 (SC-14) –Space Systems and Operations Debate about having a new TC for Space is continuing –Merger has not been agreed –Effort not worth the benefit –SC-13 working well at the moment
CEOS WGISS 24 Meeting, DLR, October 2007 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AREA (SEA) Area Director, Peter Shames (NASA JPL) the System Engineering Area (SEA) is responsible for describing the overall architecture for space mission communications, operations, and cross-support. –System Architecture WG –Information Architecture WG –Security WG –Space Assigned Numbers Authority (SANA) BoF –Space Ground Interoperability Architecture (SGIA) BoF –Special Interest Group (SIG) that has just started to develop XML Standards & Guidelines (XSG). Working on: –The Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (RASDS) –Reference Architecture for Space Information Management (RASIM)
CEOS WGISS 24 Meeting, DLR, October 2007 MISSION OPERATIONS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SERVICES AREA (MOIMS) Area Director, Nestor Peccia (ESA) The MOIMS Area includes all of the flight execution phase applications required to operate the spacecraft mission and its ground system in response to mission objectives, and associated detailed information management standards and processes. –Data Archive Ingestion (DAI) - follow-up to OAIS –Navigation (NAV) –Information Packaging & Registries (IPR) – includes XFDU –Spacecraft Monitor & Control (SM&C) –SAFE format for archiving being worked on in this Area
CEOS WGISS 24 Meeting, DLR, October 2007 CROSS SUPPORT SERVICES AREA (CSS) Area Director, Gerard Lapaian (CNES) The CSS Area concerns the extension of the space link on the ground between the ground station and the Mission Data Operation Service. Working on –Service Management Specifications –Data Transfer Service Toolkit
CEOS WGISS 24 Meeting, DLR, October 2007 SPACECRAFT ONBOARD INTERFACE SERVICES AREA (SOIS) Area Director, Patrick Plancke (ESA/ESTEC) the SOIS Area objective is to radically improve on-board data systems design and development process by defining generic services that will simplify the way flight software interacts with flight hardware. –Time Critical Onboard Applications Services (TCOAS) WG –Time Critical Onboard Networking (TCONS) WG –Onboard Bus and LAN (OBL) WG –Plug and Play BoF –Wireless S/C Interfaces BoF
CEOS WGISS 24 Meeting, DLR, October 2007 SPACE LINK SERVICES AREA (SLS) Area Director, Jean-Luc Gerner (ESA/ESTEC) The SLS Area is responsible for developing efficient space link communications. It concentrates on layers 1 & 2 (of OSI protocol stack), namely: RF & modulation, channel coding and data link layer, for both long-haul (e.g.: spacecraft to ground) and proximity links (e.g.: orbiter to lander). Also covers: data compression for end to end data transfer Several Working Groups
CEOS WGISS 24 Meeting, DLR, October 2007 SPACE INTERNETWORKING SERVICES AREA (SIS) Area Director, Robert Durst (MITRE) The SIS Area provides services and protocols to address networked interactions of many forms: between spacecraft and earth-based resources; among spacecraft; between spacecraft and landed elements; and within heterogeneous spacecraft. –Cislunar Space Internetworking (CSI) WG –Asynchronous Messaging Services (AMS) WG –CFDP Interoperability Testing WG –IP-over-CCSDS BoF.
CEOS WGISS 24 Meeting, DLR, October 2007 More working groups below CCSDS Working Groups
CEOS WGISS 24 Meeting, DLR, October 2007 CCSDS Working Groups (contd.)
CEOS WGISS 24 Meeting, DLR, October 2007 Current Issues Update to EAST Data Description Language –Developed by CNES, used by SPOT Interaction with IOAG and OMG –Interagency Operations Advisory Group – provides requirements –OMG: Object Management Group – Space Domain Task Forces Encourage new participants –China, India, Ukraine,Israel IP over CCSDS –IOAG/CCSDS Space Internetworking Strategy Group established New Collaborative Work Environment (CWE) based on MS Sharepoint
CEOS WGISS 24 Meeting, DLR, October 2007 Summary of common interests Reference Architecture for Space Information Management (RASIM) ESAs SAFE Format being proposed for long-term digital archive of ESA data. Work on lossy and loss-less data compression being carried out. Work on long-term digital archiving continuing. –Data Archive Ingestion (DAI) - follow-up to OAIS –Information Packaging & Registries (IPR) – includes XFDU Latest newsletter issued: Link Volume 2 Issue 3 Next meeting Colorado Springs - Spring 08 for more CCSDS infohttp://